ASFG - 7th Grade 


Seventh grade  is a year full of new and exciting things. It is not just any year; it is the first year that students receive personal laptops to use in the classroom. During this year, students learn how to use their computers and truly take charge of their learning. The computers are used to enhance student learning, as well as foster the ASFG mission of developing critical and creative thinkers.  In seventh grade, students utilize many different computer programs as well as  learn the organizational skills necessary to be competent 21st century learners. 

The teachers on the seventh grade team are free to meet with you about academic issues, student concerns or any questions that you may have. Please call the office to schedule an appointment if you would like to meet with them. In addition, please feel free to email any member of the team about concerns or questions that you may have.           

Classroom Policies     PowerSchool

Colomos 2100 | Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico - APDO 6-280 | Tel: +52 (33) 3648-0299 | Fax: +52 (33) 3817-3356 |