Mr. Brody

 Welcome to Social Studies!

About Me 👨‍🏫 

Hi! My name is Mr. Brody, and I'm excited to be your Sixth Grade Social Studies Teacher! This is my second year as a member of ASFG, and I'm thrilled to be living and working here in Guadalajara! 

I grew up in Minnesota, USA. After graduating from university there, I moved to South America to accept a teaching position in Bolivia. I also have teaching experiences in Guatemala and Vietnam. I'm happy to be a member of the ASFG community, and I look forward to helping our learners reach their goals!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please speak to me or contact me through email. 

Contact Info 📧


Office Hours for Students:  Thursdays from 10:55-11:30 and Tuesdays from 2:30-3:00.  Speak to me if you would like to meet another time.

Meetings for Parents: Please send me an email or contact the office to set up a time to meet. I'm also happy to answer any questions over email. 

This Class 🌐

In 6th Grade Social Studies learners develop their ability to think critically about a range of historical topics from different points of view. Much of the class focuses on the study of ancient civilizations and the development of key research skills. We will also study real-life issues and learn about the world around us through various media, studies,  and texts. 

More about this class 🌍

Ancient Civilizations

This year we will investigate, discuss, and immerse ourselves in:

Key Skills

Learning Strands

STRAND 1: Time, Continuity, and Change

Students will understand patterns of change and continuity, relationships between people and events through time, and various interpretations of these relationships. 

STRAND 2: Connections and Conflict

Students will understand causes and effects of interaction among societies, including trade, systems of international exchange, war, and diplomacy. 

STRAND 3: Geography

Students will understand the interactions and relationship between human societies and their physical environment.

STRAND 4: Culture

Students will understand cultural and intellectual developments and interactions among societies. 

STRAND 5: Society and Identity 

Students will understand social systems and structures and how these influence individuals.

STRAND 6: Government

Students will understand why societies create and adopt systems of governance and how they address human needs, rights, responsibilities and citizenship. 

STRAND 7: Production, Distribution, and Consumption

Students will understand fundamental economic principles and ways in which economies are shaped by geographic and human factors. 

STRAND 8: Science, Technology, and Society 

Students will understand how societies have influenced and been influenced by scientific developments and technological developments. 

STRAND 9: Social Studies Literacy

Students will read and understand a variety of texts, conduct research, analyze and evaluate sources of information, and utilize and document supporting evidence. 

STRAND 10: Historical Content

Students will know and understand Early Humans, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, Ancient China, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome.