Late work, retake and grading policies

 G6 Late work, Retake and Grading Policy 22/23

Late Work:


Academic grades are a measure of a students’ aptitude and ability to demonstrate particular knowledge and skills.  

Work Habits-

Some assignments that are graded academically also earn a work habits grade.  That grade is a measure of the students ability to complete the assignment to a reasonable standard and turn it in on time.  

Excused Absences-



Students are allowed two retakes per quarter per class. Retakes (mostly referring to quizzes and assessments) must be arranged by the student with the teacher and completed during the teacher’s office hours. It must be done within 2 weeks after the assignment is graded.  After those two weeks, no retake is possible. The higher of the two grades will be recorded. 

Below are office hours days and times: 

All office hours are during recess from 11:00-11:30 

Monday- Ms. Abi/Mr. Poe


Wednesday- Mr. Edgar

Thursday- Mr. Brody

Friday- Andrea

Work Habits-

Work habits grades for assignments are based solely on whether an assignment was turned in on time or not.  Please note, there are many other work habits grades like arriving on time to class prepared, class behavior and participation that also affect the total work habits grade for a quarter.  



Every academic assignment a student turns in will be worth a stated number of points.  For example: This in class assignment is worth 10 points- you can earn 8/10 or 9/10 or 5/10 on this piece of work -or- this test is worth 45 points- you can earn 44/45 or 23/45 on this piece of work etc.  The more points an assignment is worth, the more it will affect the overall quarter grade for that class.

Work Habits-

You will receive four work habits points in all of your core classes each day. This includes being on time, having the proper materials, participating, and being polite and attentive, etc. At the end of a week, the total points the student earns for all of their classes that week will be recorded in a weekly behavior and participation grade (worth 16 points).  Students will also earn individual grades in work habits for turning in particular assignments on time as described above.