Hello Mountain View and North Star Families! I am so glad you made it to our WEBPAGE! Please check back often for more updates day to day, and please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! Mr. Niessner


Please feel free to stop by my office hours on ZOOM! Below are my music office hour times:

Tuesday 10:30-11:30 https://asdk12.zoom.us/j/972979519?pwd=a3hYSzFTRWI4TVFUZUZRL0ZQQ2pVQT09

Wednesday 2-3 pm https://asdk12.zoom.us/j/5316983452?pwd=VG5oWEFqM0FYemMrb2ZocjliVWppUT09

Thursdays 10:30-11:30 https://asdk12.zoom.us/j/548449978?pwd=OGdvWEI2MFZUMUROTmxhcEpYSjUxUT09