Airport Heights Dream Big

What is the Dream Big Academy?

Throughout the year, Airport Heights schedules weeks for Dream Big activities and events. Teachers work with students to determine interests and goals and then design instructional experiences that help students think about the future, entering the career of their choice and/or becoming a strong contributing member of the community.

What is the purpose of the Dream Big Academy?.

First and foremost, Dream Big Academy is a way to improve student achievement. When we help our students understand how valuable education is, they will be more motivated to learn and focus on the important elements of school.

Additionally, Airport Heights wants to expose students to a wide range of experiences so that they have sufficient background knowledge to apply what they learn to a variety of situations. They will also gain critical vocabulary skills as they explore, research, and experience activities related to future learning.

Current Dream Big options through Ms. Henry:

At least one week of art rotations art club is being offered on Tuesday and Thursday (usually the second week, so permission slips can be distributed during Art Class). Students are invited to join Ms. Henry after school to work from 3:30-4:40. Permission slips are can be picked up from classroom teachers or the art room.

  • Nov. 13 & 15
  • Dec. 11 & 13
  • Jan. 22 & 24
  • February** 12 & 14 (Conferences the following week)
  • March 26 &28
  • April 23& 25
  • May- none

Be on the lookout for art activities at Dream Big Saturdays!