Hawk Highlights

Message from your Principal:

Dear Hanshew Families,

We are in the 4th week of the 3rd quarter and in the full swing of things at Hanshew! We will be having our first dance of the year on Friday, Feb. 11th from 3-4:30pm. Thank you to all of the parents who have reached out to volunteer and support this event, the students are excited!

Since we will not have parent teacher conferences in February, please encourage your students to check their canvas and Q assignments and talk to their teachers about their grades. You are also welcome to email teams/teachers to set up meetings if necessary. February 14-17 will be normal school days with Feb. 18th being an in-service day for teachers.

As you know, we are still experiencing frigid temperatures this Febryary, please remind your students to wear coats, warm clothing, and proper shoes. Open toe shoes such as crocs, flip flops, birkenstocks, and the like will not be allowed due to safety reasons. Students are still coming to school in shorts, t-shirts without coats, and no head gear.

Just another reminder, masks are required for everybody in the school. As families come to Hanshew for sporting events and activities masks will be required. Please send your student to school with a mask to wear each day. https://sites.google.com/asdk12.net/masks/all-about-masks

Feb. 7-11th is National School Counselor Week. Please encourage your students to show our counselors their appreciation!

Afterschool tutoring has resumed in the library on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45-4:00pm. Please contact counselor Deborah Badertscher will questions or concerns. Please check our website for all upcoming events and activities. if you have questions or concerns, please contact the front office at 742-9930.

As always, thank you for your support, patience, and understanding as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic!


Dr. Lakhita Hodge

Hanshew Middle School Principal

AP Updates

Happy February:

We are starting this year well. Students are walking on the right side, getting to class, and making good use of their time. More students got to class on time in the month of January. Way to go!! Students who were Tardy to class after arriving to school served lunch detention and they had to serve it within 2 days. If students did not serve it within 2 days, they stayed after school for after school detention. Students are rewarded when they are "caught" making good choices. Staff are passing out FLY HIGH slips, then their name are put into a raffle for a weekly prize during lunch. Every month we will start over.

Cell Phone / Electronic Devices : Students using their cell phone, ear buds, and/or electronic device during school hours 8am-2:45pm will have to turn their phone into the office and family will need to pick up the before 3:30pm the first time.

Dress Code: I have to included the dress code poster for everyone to review. Most students have been great at this, thank you. If you have any questions about what is acceptable and what is not please get in touch with me. If you have some leggings or long shorts that you are no longer using, we will take them. Students put these under their ripped up jeans and then they are good to go. Thank you.

Parent Volunteers: If you would like to help during lunch time 10:30-12:30 or volunteer to help monitor the halls, please get in touch with me. We also have opportunity to help during sports (score keepers, timers, dance chaperones, and more). Email me your availability and times and days you are available.

Covid Return to Play: Students not feeling well should stay home and parents will need to call and excuse their child. School work can be accessed online through canvas and should be turned in as soon as possible. If you child tests positive with Covid and they play sports, they will need a Health Care provider to approve their return and then will progressively return to play before they can compete. (6 practices) Once signed then students can return to play and not beforehand.

Student Drop-off/Pick-up: Thank you to all the parents using the parent drop off South Entrance. Do not park or enter through the North entrance, as this is reserved for busses and staff. Please do not turn left when leaving Hanshew from 7:45-8:15am and again 2:30-3:00pm as this clogs up the traffic and it is hard for busses to get in and out safely.

Safety: Every month we will practice an evacuation drill, so please make sure students wear proper shoes and dress appropriately especially during these colder months. Students need to walk safely in the halls and outside near the busses.

Sports: Boys Basketball, Cross Country Skiing, and Native Youth Olympics is on for February. Please check out the schedule for each sport. If you have any questions, please let me know. Sport Schedule . NYO is still accepting student to join...its FREE and meets Monday's and Tuesday's 3-4:30pm.

Come watch Hawk sports but remember students must be accompanied by a parent/guardian who will supervise them and everyone spectating must wear a mask. Food and drinks are not allowed in they gym, unless it is water. Students cannot be dropped off. Show your school spirit and dress in Red and Black.


Maria Humecky, AP

Office Updates

Excuse Your Child’s Absence through Q/ParentConnection!

There’s a new feature in Q/ParentConnection

  • that you can also access fromthe ASD mobile app! Look for the Attendance Manager iconwhen you log into the ASD app. Parents/guardians can excuse an absence through the ASD App up to three days prior and three days after the absence for the following reasons: illness, medical, or religious.

  • https://www.asdk12.org/Page/5586

  • Questions?

  • Contact Hanshew's Front Office 907-742-9930

Music Rentals

Do you want to join band? Learn to play the Ukulele? Interested in Orchestra?

You are in Luck! Here at Hanshew we have numerous instruments available for Student rental.

There is a $40 Rental fee that covers you for the rest of the school year. **foldable stands and music books can be rented at no additional cost, upon request**

We accept cash or check (payable to: Anchorage School District) at the school.

If you would like to pay the rental fee with a credit or debit card, there is a link in the "Q/Zangle Parent Connections" under quick link, click “online payments”, then select "instrument rental fee".

If you have any questions please contact our AAFP, Donna Barker, at 907-742-9914. Thanks!


Open check-out is all day, so stop in and check out some books!

Congrats to Jace Minson for winning the HAWK-O Bingo game drawing! Jace will receive a $50 gift card to Barnes & Noble. Look for another reading game coming this spring!

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to our Battle of the Books team, who tied for FIRST PLACE at the district competition on Tuesday 2/1 at West High! The team ended up coming in second after a sudden-death tiebreaker. Give a shout out to Jase Emerson, Allison Leistico, Denali Beshaw, and Evelyn Schultz.

Please remind your student to bring both his/her Chromebook every day. I will no longer be loaning out computers or chargers to students if they forget those things.

The library is open most days at lunch. Students must have a library lunch pass to attend and need to eat lunch in the MPR first.

Migrant Education

“Chickaloonies” Book Distribution: If your family doesn't have your copy yet, pick it up at the Migrant Ed office in the Hanshew Library from Coach Bauer. Otherwise, I will have the books distributed at our next Literacy event.

Next Literacy Event March 22nd Advisory Period. Look for the “Opt-out” style permission GoogleDoc Survey in the weeks leading up to it.

Summer Migrant Ed Programs: will be handled on Campbrain. See the email from Tricia Kofoid on 1/6/22 for the link.

Tuesday/Thursday Afterschool Homework Help: Resumes January 18th at the Library. Snacks will be available in the Migrant Office at that time.

Targeted Tutoring Monday/Wednesday/Friday: Additional students may be invited to come to additional tutoring after school starting 1/19/22 in Eneput room 224. Snacks will be provided.

Individual Homework Help (or a quiet place to eat): available at lunchtime Monday/Tuesday/Friday at Hanshew’s Migrant Ed Office.