
Teachers - If you simply wish to shave your head at our event, please see the information on the parents info page. Most of the info will apply to you as well. If you do not wish to shave your head at the all-school assembly on the morning of the event, please let one of the organizers know.

Fundraising as a Class

Many teacher participants like to raise money with their classes. While this is not required, it is a good way to get kids excited about participating. See below for instructions if you wish to do this.


Register as a shavee on the main event page and create a team for your class.

(If you do not create a team, funds you raise will be applied to the event total.)


Let your students know to join and donate to your team so that all of the funds they raise online will apply to your team total.


Collect any cash or checks that kids bring in to add those funds to your team total.

(See below for more about this.)

There are two options to submit funds that you raise in your class.

Choose the one that works best for you:

1. Turn it In to Regina (Required for Checks): Place the cash or checks in an envelope or zip-lock bag with your team's name written on it, and submit them to Regina Kucharski in Business Services. She will deposit checks that are made out to DCC and donate the amount to your team via credit card. Please allow her at least a week to get the money submitted to the website.

      • Make sure all checks are made out to "DCC" with St. Baldrick's written in the memo line. If checks are made out to "St. Baldrick's Foundation," we will have to send them in to the organization to be deposited, and the funds will only be applied to the main event total after-the-fact.
      • If your students want to raise $50 to get a free Baldrick's shirt at the event, the donations must be made electronically to their personal participant page. If they join your team, the funds will also count toward your team total.


2. Donate it Yourself (Faster & Easier for Cash): If you would like to see your funds applied to your team total immediately, you may use your own credit card to donate the money to your team online, and then keep the cash. This is encouraged by St. Baldrick's to minimize the amount of physical money that must be handled for the event.

      • Note: This method will not work with checks. All checks must go to Regina. If you plan to do it this way, encourage students to bring cash. Students may also have their parents donate funds via their own credit cards.

If you have any questions about how to do this, contact Alex Hilborn or Regina Kucharski.