Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do with my classroom technology over the summer?

If you're an ELEMENTARY teacher, leaving the District:

  1. Return your Dell laptop and its charger to Human Resources by 3:00 PM, Monday, June 22. It can be dropped off at the DO or at the Tech Services walk-up window at the DO. Then complete the steps for returning elementary teachers.

If you're an ELEMENTARY teacher, returning in the Fall:

  1. Please keep your Dell laptop and its charger with you this summer.

  2. Return your document camera, monitor, keyboard and mouse to your classroom or office space;

  3. Place the document camera, monitor, keyboard, mouse on top of the Chromebook charging cart or on a fixed cabinet in your classroom. (Please do not lock them in a cabinet, we will be doing a district-wide inventory this summer). If they are hidden, we will assume they are lost/stolen.

  4. The Boxlight laptop should be disconnected from the panel. Place the laptop and charging cable inside the Chromebook charging cart.

  5. Place the teacher and student microphones and their charging cables inside the Chromebook charging cart.

  6. Power off the Boxlight, press and hold the power button for five seconds. When the onscreen prompt appears, choose power off.

  7. Shut the charging cart doors, label the cart with your room number (tape a sheet of paper to the cart with your room number on it)

  8. Gather your student headphones, place them in a box

If you're a MIDDLE SCHOOL teacher, leaving the District:

  1. Return your Dell laptop and its charger to Human Resources by 3:00 PM, Monday, June 22. It can be dropped off at the DO or at the Tech Services walk-up window at the DO. Then complete the steps for returning middle school teachers.

If you're a MIDDLE SCHOOL teacher, returning in the Fall:

  1. Please keep your Dell laptop and its charger with you this summer.

  2. Return your document camera, monitor, keyboard and mouse to your classroom or office space;

  3. Place the document camera, monitor, keyboard, mouse on a fixed cabinet/counter in your classroom. (Please do not lock them in a cabinet, we will be doing a district-wide inventory this summer). If they are hidden, we will assume they are lost/stolen.

  4. The Boxlight laptop should be disconnected from the panel. Place the laptop and charging cable with your other classroom technology.

  5. Place the teacher and student microphone and its charging cables with your other classroom technology.

  6. Power off the Boxlight, press and hold the power button for five seconds. When the onscreen prompt appears, choose power off.

If you're a HIGH SCHOOL teacher, leaving the District:

  1. Return your Dell laptop and its charger to Human Resources by 3:00 PM, Monday, June 22. It can be dropped off at the DO or at the Tech Services walk-up window at the DO. Then complete the steps for returning high school teachers.

If you're a HIGH SCHOOL teacher, returning in the Fall:

  1. Please keep your Dell laptop and its charger with you this summer.

  2. Return your document camera, monitor, keyboard and mouse to your classroom or office space;

  3. Place the monitor, keyboard, mouse on your desk in your classroom (Please do not lock them in a cabinet, we will be doing a district-wide inventory this summer). If they are hidden, we will assume they are lost/stolen.

  4. Place the teacher and student microphone and its charging cables in the closet next to the sound system amplifier.

  5. Place your Boxlight's wireless keyboard and document camera in the closet with your microphones.

  6. Power off the Boxlight, press and hold the power button for five seconds. When the onscreen prompt appears, choose power off.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What if I want to keep my monitor, keyboard/mouse, and document camera over the summer?

A: You'll need to let Technology Services know by creating a ticket in Incident IQ so that the items can be checked out to you personally. You will be responsible for any loss/theft/damage that occurs during non-contracted days. In other words, if an oops happens, you will be asked to reimburse the District for the replacement/repair.

​Q: What if I want to return my Dell laptop and charger?

A: ​Please return your laptop and charger to Technology Services on Monday, June 22, 8a-3p. It can be returned to the Tech Services Walk-Up Window next to the DO entrance. We will hold it for you over the summer. Do not leave it in your classroom.

Q: What if I don't have a classroom, I'm in an office space?

A: Please make sure your monitor, keyboard/mouse are bundled together on your desk in your office space or assigned work area.

Q: What if I have other questions?

A: Please send a separate email to me and I'll do my best to gather them and post answers at ASD Teaches.

Who do I contact for Technical Support (Elementary)?

For immediate/urgent assistance, elementary staff should call Jennifer Goellner at (360) 929-5437.

  • Create an IncidentIQ ticket.

  • Leave a message at (360) 503-1220. Please leave your name, phone number, and a brief description of the problem.

Who do I contact for Technical Support (Secondary)?

For immediate/urgent assistance, secondary staff should call Sheila Petersen at (360) 333-9962. For non-urgent issues, please:

  • Create an IncidentIQ ticket.

  • Leave a message at (360) 503-1220. Please leave your name, phone number, and a brief description of the problem.