Expectations, Rules, Procedures and Consequences

The expectations, rules, and consequences of the library are intended to keep the library environment safe, orderly, and productive. Please respect the rules so that we can maximize learning time together. The rules are not hard to follow, nor are any of them “out of the ordinary.” They are simply expected behaviors for junior high and high school students at our library. If you have any questions about any of these rules, or why they are in place, you have the right to find out – please ask me as soon as possible. There should never be a rule that does not have a purpose! Thank you for your cooperation!


  • Respect yourself, the teacher & others.

        1. Show respect for the teacher, yourself and others at all times.

        2. Respect others’ property. Avoid touching or writing on anything that does not belong to you (including desks, books, teacher’s belongings, walls, technology, etc.). Don't expect that others will clean-up your messes. Please pick-up after yourself. Push your chair in before leaving the Library!

        3. Respect yourself and the rest of us by using appropriate language and wearing appropriate clothing.

        4. Be a kind person.

  • Follow directions when given.

        1. Do your best to follow them the first time. If you are confused or have questions, ask.

  • Preserve a positive learning environment.

  • Take responsibility for your actions.

        1. If you are confronted about a rule infraction, own up to it. Don’t deny it, lie about it, or blame someone else.

        2. All handbook rules will be enforced. Please read your handbook. Students that choose to break these rules, choose to have adverse consequences.


  • Turn off cell phones.

        1. Cell Phones should be turned off and invisible during the class period. If your phone is seen or heard, it will be taken away and given to an administrator, according to cell phone policy outlined in the ASCISD Student Code of Conduct. Refusal to turn over the cell phone will be treated as insubordinate behavior. The only exceptions to this is if permission is given by the librarian and is based on a day-to-day and case-by-case basis.

  • Gum chewing is NOT allowed.

        1. Gum chewing will result in lunch detention. More severe consequences will result if this behavior continues.

  • No food or drink, except water.

  1. You may drink bottled water in the library. If a spill occurs, please clean it up immediately and inform the teacher. DO NOT take water near the computers.

  2. No other food or beverage is permitted unless the librarian has given permission.


  1. Verbal warning

  2. Call home

  3. Detention

  4. Referral to AP

* Serious offenses can, at the teacher’s discretion, result in more severe consequences regardless of previous steps taken, such as immediate referral to assistant principal or expulsion from the library.