3rd Grade

Homework Expectations:

Updates / Announcements

Announcements may be listed here.

Assigned Homework

Homework information can be listed here.

Week 1 (Sept 15 - Sept 17)

Add information for the week including page/chapter numbers, readers, units, etc.

Week 2 (Sept 20 - Sept 24)

Add information for the week including page/chapter numbers, readers, units, etc.

Week 3 (Sept 27 - Oct 1)

Add information for the week including page/chapter numbers, readers, units, etc.

Week 3 (Sept 27 - Oct 1)

Add information for the week including page/chapter numbers, readers, units, etc.

Week 4 (Sept 27 - Oct 1)

Add information for the week including page/chapter numbers, readers, units, etc.

Week 5 (Sept 27 - Oct 1)

Add information for the week including page/chapter numbers, readers, units, etc.

Week 6 (Sept 27 - Oct 1)

Add information for the week including page/chapter numbers, readers, units, etc.

Week 7 (Sept 27 - Oct 1)

Add information for the week including page/chapter numbers, readers, units, etc.

Week 8 (Sept 27 - Oct 1)

Add information for the week including page/chapter numbers, readers, units, etc.