3rd Grade

First Week of SCHOOL (Aug 28th - Sept 1st)

During the first week of school, we will be introducing ourselves to each other, reviewing the classroom rules, and becoming acclimated to the multipurpose room that we use for PE. Our classes together are short, so I ask that students always come ready listen in order to have as much time as possible for the activities I have planned. I ask that students be especially good listeners this week.

Weekly outline

Each day of the week will be dedicated to a particular purpose. Continuing the ever-popular tradition of Monday Run Day, on Mondays we will be finding creative ways to build the cardiovascular system. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are reserved for individual skill-building, such as learning to walk across a balance beam, receive a passed soccer ball, or swing a baseball bat. On Thursdays and Fridays, we will incorporate these skills in group or team activities. Students will have the opportunity to compete with each other and against each other, as well as learn to lose courageously and win graciously. 

September Outline

My units will correspond with virtues Ascent Classical Academy wishes to see in our students. The first unit will focus on moderation, or self-control, which is a powerful quality to possess. Students will practice self-control in body and mind by improving their balance and stability, especially in their cores and legs. On Thursdays and Fridays, students will be learning to pass soccer balls, basketballs, and footballs, as well as testing their accuracy and control over their passes.

October Outline

The second unit will begin the first week of October and finish the week before Thanksgiving break. The virtue we will be practicing is courage. What better way to develop courage than to endure the uncomfortable feeling we get while running? It's important to remember in this unit that building character is a personal endeavor that is good for the individual. Therefore, I will continually ask students to strive for their own personal improvement and to keep getting back into the arena with that uncomfortable feeling while we get outside and improve our cardiovascular endurance.

On Mondays, students will learn how to stretch their muscles to help them recover and do light, restful activities. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, students will practice running varied distances at varied paces. On Thursdays and Fridays, students will compete against themselves in timed races, and against each other in foot races and relays.

November Outline

December Outline

January Outline

February Outline

March Outline

April Outline

may Outline