LS Social Studies - C3

Tara Lattanzio

Dates:  November 22, 2023 (Virtual), April 15-16, 2024 (ASV)

Putting the C3 Social Studies Framework into Action for Elementary Students: Facilitating Meaningful Learning Through an Inquiry Approach

This professional learning will look at the C3 Framework and continue to examine the four dimensions of the C3 framework. Participants will be provided with examples and guided through a process of how to use the C3 Framework to develop conceptually driven units that promote relevance and meaning to elementary-aged students in connection to social studies. We will examine the difference between compelling and supporting questions and their role in setting the scene for inquiry.  We will examine what ‘inquiry’ is and be introduced to a planning process that puts inquiry, concepts and assessment of understanding at the forefront of the teaching and learning. Practical examples of the process will be provided throughout. We will examine what authentic learning is and consider how to develop opportunities for students to transfer and apply their learning to an authentic situation so as to take action as a part of their learning, as outlined in dimension four of the C3 Framework. Educators will get the chance to collaborate, reflect and apply their understanding to their own educational setting.  

Intended Audience: Grades K-5 teacher of social studies who has some previous understanding of the C3 Framework for Social Studies.