The idea and the goals

The SDG goals we chose to work with are: goal number 3-good health and well-being, goal number 4-quality education, goal number 5-gender equality, and last, but not least, goal number 13-climate action. These goals all have a connection, we are making reusable pads, and donating them to girls who are in need and don't have the money to buy pads. A lot of girls who can't afford pads or tampons just use napkins which can be very unhygienic, or they skip school during their menstrual cycle, which results in 26.7% girls missing out in education because of their period. 130 million girls don't go to school at all (United Nations, 2022, 4:18), and often it is because of their periods, of course there are other reasons such as: the tuition is too expensive, so if there is a boy in the family, he is a priority; some are being forced into arranged marriages with men older than themselves, or it is simply to dangerous to go to school so their parents don't take the risk. But if more girls are offered the chance to wear reusable pads, the numbers of girls going to school will go up. With that happening, more girls will get the education they deserve, resulting in them being able to go onto further things in life, such as university, getting a good job, moving to a safer place, and just like us, help others who don't have the same chances we do. 

The goals

Click on the pictures to find out more on each specific goal!

Goal number 3- Good Health and Well-being

 Goal number 4- Quality Education

Goal number 5- Gender Equality

Goal number 13- Climate Action