Who are we?

What is Positive Period?

Who are we? Positive Period is a group of six 8th graders interested in ending period poverty! Period poverty is a problem in every country, but especially in developing countries where we are located. 

We go to an IB school (International Baccalaureate)  that encourages students to solve problems not only for our community but to help complete the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. We focused on four main goals: goal number 3-good health and well-being, goal number 4-quality education, goal number 5-gender equality, and last, but not least, goal number 13-climate action. (More details on why we chose these specific goals and how we plan to solve them on another page). 

Our goal is to provide girls who can't afford period products with reusable pads. Learn more on how to use them, and how to make your own by clicking here!
