PSE Curriculum

At Mearns Academy the PSE Curriculum is split into two sections S1-S3 BGE and S4-S6 Senior Phase. Throughout the courses that we deliver we look to cover a number of topics however recognise that our curriculum is ever changing due to the face paced environment that we live in.

“The health and wellbeing of every child and young person is at the heart of Curriculum for Excellence. Children’s mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing are widely recognised as the foundations of successful learning and are essential to closing the attainment gap. Learning in PSE should address the current issues affecting the lives of young people such as an understanding of consent, health relationships, substance misuse, mental health, social media and the importance of inclusion”

(Review of PSE, John Swinney MSP, 2019 )

PSE is delivered once a week by Guidance teacher. The S1-S3 courses are developed to meet the aims and requirements in the Curriculum for Excellence documents for PSE, Literacy, Numeracy and Heath and Wellbeing Outcomes. The Senior Curriculum is undergoing changes in the hope to make the experience more worth while and current for the pupils. Classes are designed to give pupils a platform to build on prior knowledge, ask questions, gain skills for life and work and take ownership of their learning process.

Sexual Health is a topic that we build on each year we use the RSHP website alongside SHARE resources to make sure we are delivering the right content according to age and stage.

Links attached to the pictures