

To coincide with the “Include Me” Professional Learning Event for Northern Alliance Education and CLD Practitioners, Northern Alliance Lead Officers responsible for youth participation in their area will be coming together to develop the action points agreed by young people who took part in the 2019 and 2020 Northern Alliance Youth Conferences.

We are pleased to be creating this CLD Network from which we will create a baseline picture of youth participation and youth voice across the Northern Alliance geography, strengthen communication routes and begin working on agreed actions in conjunction with a developing Youth Advisory Group.



'Raigy' Forces - Promoting Pupil Voice in the Armed Forces Community - sharing practical examples to adapt to your own settings

Kerry Challinor and Autumn Macaulay, Raigmore Primary School

Practice sharing from Raigmore Primary School focusing on the role and rights of the child in areas such as health and wellbeing, transitions, life skills and co-production of policy. The work of the group 'Raigy Forces' is also shared supporting CYP in the Armed Forces Community.

Embedding Young People's Voices in Developing Argyll & Bute's Children Services Plan

Brian Smith & Rosie Sumsion, YAP Group and MSYP, Argyll & Bute

A reflective session from the perspective of the local authority and young people involved in the process of developing Argyll & Bute's Children's Services Plan 2023-2026.

Brian and Rosie share the story of how the project was developed, key learning, response to challenges and how young people have led the developments.

Include Me in Curriculum Making at Early Years

Ruth Reid, Northern Alliance Early Years Workstream Lead

How can we start with the child when thinking about Curriculum Design and Rationale in ELC? How do we ensure that the child’s voice, expressed through actions, Emotions and Words, is truly included when we create our Curriculum? In this session, rights based practical strategies are shared that can ensure young children are given a true voice in creating their learning environment.
Link to powerpoint of session content with voice-over - click on the speaker icons on each slide.

Project Hope - A youth led not for profit project tackling loneliness

Kelly Mackay, Youth Leader, Western Isles

An introduction to Project Hope – how and why it came about, it's development, , what sessions entail and who ideas are created.

  • Information and statistics into youth loneliness.

  • Tips and tricks on how to create a good link with young people to create a strong youth participation connection.

Getting the Views of Children and Young People

Tracy Robson & Callum Maciver, Allied Health Professionals

Allied Health Professionals share their work on getting the views of children and young people, including some examples in a virtual world.

Read more here

The UNCRC, Unconscious Bias and Me (Secondary)

Jen Hodson, Improving Gender Balance and Equalities Development Officer, Education Scotland

A brief exploration of the UNCRC and the barriers practitioners in secondary schools and children and young people face in helping learners to engage and participate in decision making and planning that affects them.

Connect and Collaborate

We are all part of the Northern Alliance and there is so much good practice to share from across our 8 local authorities. If you would like to share examples of work, would be interested in delivering a session in the future about your progress or be involved in a Network to meet colleagues who share a similar interest in the area of Youth Voice and Pupil Participation then please email northernalliance8@gmail.com or share photographs and work and include us on twitter using #IncludeMeNA2021