

We are delighted that Bruce Adamson, The Children and Young People's Commissioner for Scotland has provided a message for all across the Northern Alliance. He promotes and protects the rights of children and young people if they're under 18, or up to 21 if they are in care or care experienced.

This website gives more information about the work he undertakes on children and young people's behalf and is full of helpful links.


CLICK ON IMAGES BELOW TO ACCESS RECORDINGS (Please note not all sessions were recorded)

Children's Rights - CLD, Youth Voice and Participation

Susan Epsworth & Julie Beckett, Education Scotland

Focus on articles 12 and 13 of UNCRC highlighting respect for the views of the child and freedom of expression.

UNCRC in Action through Youth Work

Tracy Davis, NHS Grampian

Exploring the articles of the UNCRC, discussing how they relate to our roles and opportunities to 'further effect' children's rights.

Letter from Lockdown

Gillian Newman, Highland Children & Young People's Forum

Sharing experiences from the first lockdown of 185 children and young people who contributed to the paper 'Letter from Lockdown' with letters, videos and artwork.

Read the Letters from Lockdown preliminary report

The UNCRC, Unconscious Bias and Me (Primary)

Jen Hodson, Improving Gender Balance and Equalities Development Officer, Education Scotland

A brief exploration of the UNCRC and the barriers practitioners in primary schools and children and young people face in helping learners to engage and participate in decision making and planning that affects them.

Note - this recording is for the Early Years session with very similar content

The Involvement of Children in Policy Development and Launch of the Northern Alliance Equalities Guidance: INCLUDE

Bernadette Cairns, Northern Alliance Equalities Lead

Sharing the process taken by Highland Council and the Northern Alliance Equalities Workstream to work with pupils from Nairn Academy to create the Northern Alliance Equalities Guidance 'INCLUDE' for use across our local authorities. Hear from pupils involved.


Gathering the views from children who may be non-verbal

Julia Matthew, QIM Early Years, Aberdeenshire Council

Helping you think about your own practice, reinforcing the best aspects of it and help you recognise what you are already doing to meet the UNCRC expectations and/or help you to reflect and improve on the ways you capture children's views.

Connect and Collaborate

We are all part of the Northern Alliance and there is so much good practice to share from across our 8 local authorities. If you would like to share examples of work, would be interested in delivering a session in the future about your progress or be involved in a Network to meet colleagues who share a similar interest in the area of Youth Voice and Pupil Participation then please email or share photographs and work and include us on twitter using #IncludeMeNA2021