
National 3/ National 4

Course Overview


Science is vital to everyday life and allows us to understand and shape the world in which we live and influence its future. Scientists play a key role in meeting society’s needs in areas such as medicine, energy, industry, material development, the environment and sustainability. As the importance and application of science continues to grow and develop, it is important that everyone has an informed view of science and that more trained scientists will be required.


This excellent course offers a broad general approach to science and how it relates to the important issues of society.



·         Fragile Earth 

In this unit, pupils will focus on energy, food, metals and water resources. Pupils will gain an understanding of how science is involved in the cause, effect and resolution of environmental issues.

·         Human Health 

In this unit, pupils will focus on how science helps us to maintain a healthy body. They will investigate what health is, including social, physical and mental health, threats to health, and health issues such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, alcoholism and allergies. They will also carry out scientific analysis of health claims and consider moral and ethical issues.

·         Science at Work 

In this unit, pupils will investigate the principles and applications of telecommunications technology, and the source, production, use and issues of materials technologies, such as plastics, fibres, smart materials, alloys and cosmetics. Learners will also investigate risk and safety.

·         Added Value Unit 

In this unit, pupils will draw on and extend the skills they have learned across the curriculum, especially the units in science to demonstrate their breadth of knowledge and skills acquired, in unfamiliar contexts or through integrated study.

Faculty Principal Teacher

Ms F Keppie

Assessment Methods

Each unit will be assessed through an end of unit test or other appropriate means. There is no external examination at the end of the course.  The course will be internally assessed and a pass in all four units is required.

Learning and Teaching Approaches

A variety of methods is used, including class teaching, project work, practical activities of different types, problem solving exercises, tutorials in small groups, videos and discussion. 


Pupils work in pairs when doing practical activities.  A range of skills are developed in the science course, with particular emphasis on practical work.

Progression Pathways

National 5 Biology

National 5 Chemistry

National 5 Physics

National 5 Skills for Work Lab Science

National 5 Skills for Work Energy