Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies

National 4/ 5

Course Overview

The purpose of this course is to develop knowledge and understanding of religious, moral and philosophical issues that affect the world today.  Religious and non-religious perspectives will be included.  The course will explore the questions they raise and the solutions or approaches they offer.  Pupils will have opportunities to reflect on these and on their own experience and views.

Pupils will continue to explore RMPS topics in depth.  For the World Religion unit they will study Judaism, for the Morality and Belief unit they will study Religion and Justice, for the Religious and Philosophical Questions unit they will study The Problem of Evil and Suffering, and they will have an individual assignment to research and produce.

Throughout the course pupils will be given homework to enhance their study skills and prepare for assessments.  Homework can take a number of different formats, for example finishing class tasks, doing extension work, research tasks, watching documentaries, presentation preparation and revision.

The course comprises three Units and an Assignment.  The Units are:

World Religion: Christianity (a study of religious sources, beliefs and practices and their significance in the contemporary world)

Morality and Belief: Religion and Justice (a study of religious and non-religious viewpoints on crime and punishment)

Religious and Philosophical Questions: Origins (a study of religious and non-religious viewpoints on the origins of the universe and the origins of life)

Faculty Principal Teacher

Mr N Bentley

Assessment Methods

Pupils will be assessed throughout the year.  There will be opportunities for personalisation and choice in some of the assessment tasks.  Also, contribution to discussions, presentations and written responses will be used to track and monitor progress.  Each unit will have assessments which the pupils will be required to pass to be entered for the National 4.  National 4 candidates will have a project to complete for the Value Added unit and National 5 candidates will have an assignment to research and produce that is externally marked by SQA.  National 5 candidates will also have a course examination that will be externally assessed by SQA at the end of the year.

Component 1: Question paper 1 — world religion and morality and belief (60 marks, 2 hour and 15 minute exam) 

Component 2: Question paper 2 — religious and philosophical questions (20 marks, 45 minute exam)
Component 3: Assignment (30 marks)

Learning and Teaching Approaches

A wide range of teaching strategies will be employed including whole class teaching, group work, paired work, group presentation and individual study.  Resources are also varied.  Pupils will have booklets of support notes, the use of textbooks, DVDs, information sheets, library resources, internet provisions and guest speakers.

Progression Pathway

Higher RMPS

Pupils may be able to progress to National 5 and Higher qualifications in Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies in S5.

The course develops skills that are transferable to other subject areas as well such as History, Modern Studies, Geography and English.

It is expected that pupils will develop broad, generic skills for life, work and learning.  Thinking skills, literacy, health and well being, employability, enterprise and citizenship skills will be developed through the coursework.