
National 4/National 5

Course Overview

Physics provides pupils with an insight into the underlying nature of our world and its place in the universe. From the study of the electrical and heat energy used in our society, to the exploration of space, it covers a range of applications of the relationships that have been discovered through experiment and calculation, including those used in modern technology.

Advances in physics mean that our view of what is possible is continually being updated. This course enables learners to understand the processes behind scientific advances, and to appreciate and contribute to topical scientific debate.



The topics studied are below

Wave characteristics and EM Spectrum

This topic concentrates on refraction of light, the electromagnetic spectrum, and the range applications in modern life.

Electricity and Power

The concept of power is a measure of energy transfer and its calculations in the context of electrical circuits is covered.

Nuclear Radiation

This topic considers the properties of nuclear radiation in more detail, introducing absorption and half-life.  Nuclear power, radiation safety and radiation dosimetry are also studied.

Space and Cosmology

In this topic pupils learn about light years, celestial bodies and the study of the universe using different types of telescopes.  The challenges of space travel/exploration are discussed.

Electrical Circuits and Electronics

In depth study of electrical circuits and components is covered.


Conservation of energy is studied in more depth.  Specific heat capacity and specific latent heat are included.

Gas Laws

The concept of kinetic theory is developed and extended to explain the gas laws.  Equations relating pressure, temperature and volume are introduced.

Vectors, Scalars and Newtons Laws

Revision of Newton’s First and Second Laws leads to Newtons Third Law.  The concepts of vectors and scalars are introduced and applied to projectile motion.


Pupils should expect to work at home on a regular basis.   Without prompting, they should look back each week and summarise what they have covered.  In addition, they can expect to be doing either a written exercise or preparation for assessments. 

Faculty Principal Teacher

Ms F Keppie

Electricity and Energy (N4)

Waves and Radiation (N4)

Dynamics and Space (N4)

Electricity and Energy (N5)

Waves and Radiation  (N5)

Dynamics and Space (N5)

Assessment Methods

National 4

There is no final exam. The course is assessed on an ongoing basis through coursework and class assessments. 

National 5

Each topic will involve an end of topic assessment to monitor progress.  However, these tests do not contribute to the final grade.  The course involves an external examination, lasting 2.5 hours, covering all the course content and the assignment which contributes to 20% of the final grade.

Learning and Teaching Approaches

A wide range of teaching strategies are used with classes, such as practical and experimental work, direct teaching, paired and/or group work. Pupils will prepare presentations, projects and carry out structured practical investigations. Work in class is supported through the use of course plans, ICT and other media. Pupils will be involved in setting their own targets and evaluating their own as well as others progress. Pupils are expected to take responsibility for their learning at an early stage. 

Progression Pathways

A qualification in Physics can lead to careers in the energy industries, engineering, food production and processing, medical, veterinary work and the environment.  The problem-solving skills gained through a Physics qualification are regarded highly by employers in all sectors.

National 4 Pass:

National 5 Physics

National 5 A or B: 

Higher Physics

FA Scientific Technologies