
National 5

Course Overview

Mathematics courses are designed to develop the pupil’s skills in using mathematical language, to explore mathematical ideas, and to develop skills relevant to learning, life and work in an engaging and enjoyable way. It will build on prior learning and develop:

For some pupils the National 3 Applications of Mathematics course will be better suited to their individual needs.

The course covers: expressions and evaluation of formula covering aspects of algebra and geometry. In addition, relationships in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics. Pupils will develop their skills in solving equations, analysing graphs, making reasoned deductions and predictions. Finally, the course further develops knowledge and skills in geometry, trigonometry and statistics which can readily be applied to solving real-life problems.

Faculty Principal Teacher

Ms F MacKay

Assessment Methods

There will be regular summative assessments, appropriate to the course, to provide feedback on learning. There will also be a prelim exam sampling all work covered to that point.  These are all set and marked internally.

The course award is determined by an external exam that covers the whole course.

Learning and Teaching Approaches

Learners develop these skills at different rates and will thus be divided into classes according to their ability and learning needs. A variety of approaches will be used including direct teaching and investigation. Pupils will have the opportunity to work individually as well as in pairs or groups. The main resource will be textbooks; pupils will also use worksheets and ICT resources.

Progression Pathways

National 5 A or B:

Higher Mathematics

Higher Applications of Mathematics

Your teacher will advise you of the best progression route for you.