Applications of Mathematics

National 4/ 5

Course Overview


The purpose of the National 4/5 Applications of Mathematics Course is to motivate and challenge learners by enabling them to think through real-life situations involving mathematics and to form a plan of action based on logic.



The content is covered in 3 units.

Managing Finance and Statistics

The Outcomes cover aspects of finance and statistics in real-life situations requiring mathematical reasoning.

Geometry and Measures

The Outcomes cover aspects of geometry and measurement in real-life situations requiring problem solving skills.


Many of the skills in this unit are transferable across all aspects of mathematics courses.

Learners will be required to decide what numeracy and information handling skills to use, and how to apply those skills to an appropriate level of accuracy. Learners will also interpret graphical data and use their knowledge and understanding of probability to solve real-life problems involving money, time and measurement.



Homework will take a variety of forms.  Pupils may be asked to finish off an exercise that they were working on in class in order to get sufficient practice.  Homework might be set at the start of a piece of work to help the teacher establish the best starting point for a class.  Pupils might be set revision or asked to research a topic.



A pass at National 3 Applications of Mathematics, National 4 Applications of Mathematics or National 4 Mathematics.


Faculty Principal Teacher

Ms F MacKay

Assessment Methods

Pupils will be required to pass assessments on an ongoing basis.  These are tests of basic competency so occasionally an extension test may also be set, giving students the opportunity to assess their progress across a wider range of skills.  Pupils are required to pass core assessments.  In the event of failure there will be one opportunity for retest.  Any remediation work must be done in pupil’s own time.

A prelim exam will cover the work done up to that point.  A second prelim exam may be set on completion of the course this will cover the whole course but concentrate on the final block of work.

Learning and Teaching Approaches

A range of learning and teaching approaches will be used including: Teacher exposition; group work; discussion; individualised learning and self evaluation. Homework may include: completing day to day work; completing online homework and further consolidation and practice of skills. 

Possible Progression Pathways

A pass in National 4 Applications of Mathematics may allow pupils to progress on to National 4 Mathematics or National 5 Applications of Mathematics.

A pass in National 5 Applications of Mathematics may allow pupils to progress on to National 5 Mathematics.