
National 4

Course Overview

Mathematics is important in everyday life, allowing us to make sense of the world around us and to manage our lives. Using mathematics enables us to model real-life situations and make connections and informed predictions. It equips us with the skills we need to interpret and analyse information, simplify and solve problems, assess risk, and make informed decisions.



National 4 Mathematics courses are designed to develop the pupil’s skills in using mathematical language, to explore mathematical ideas, and to develop skills relevant to learning, life and work in an engaging and enjoyable way. It will build on prior learning and develop:

For some pupils the National 3 Applications of Mathematics course will be better suited to their individual needs.




National 4:

Mathematics: Expressions and Formulae  

This Unit covers simplification of expressions and evaluation of formulae covering aspects of algebra and geometry.


Mathematics: Relationships  

This Unit covers straightforward relationships in algebra, geometry, trigonometry and statistics. Pupils will develop their skills in solving equations, analysing graphs, making reasoned deductions and predictions.



This Unit will allow learners to develop numerical skills in number processes and information handling in order to solve problems and to make informed decisions.


Mathematics: Added Value Unit

This Unit develops mathematical skills acquired from across the other three Units of the Course for use in more challenging problems, to enable the learner to apply them in unfamiliar situations and sometimes integrated ways.



Homework will take a variety of forms. Pupils may be asked to finish off an exercise that they were working on in class to get sufficient practice. Homework might be set at the start of a piece of work to help the teacher establish the best starting point for a class. Pupils might be set revision or asked to research a topic.


Faculty Principal Teacher

Ms F MacKay

Assessment Methods

Pupils are required to produce evidence for each unit in the form of unit tests. These assess core skills and are marked internally. Unit tests are a mandatory part of the National 4 course award and a pass in each unit is required. This includes the final Added Value Unit Test which covers the whole course.

Learning and Teaching Approaches

Learners develop these skills at different rates and will thus be divided into classes according to their ability and learning needs. A variety of approaches will be used including direct teaching and investigation. Pupils will have the opportunity to work individually as well as in pairs or groups. The main resource will be textbooks; pupils will also use worksheets and ICT resources.

Progression Pathways

National 4 Pass:

National 5 Mathematics

National 5 Applications of Mathematics

Your teacher will advise you of the best progression route for you on completion of National 4 Mathematics