

Course Overview

The National Progression Award (NPA) in Horticulture at SCQF level 4 is intended to provide an opportunity to develop some practical skills (and the knowledge that underpins them) and serve as an introduction to horticulture.


The NPA in Horticulture provides an additional opportunity to gain qualifications as part of a wider curriculum and to provide a progression route to other related qualifications. It will also provide an introduction to the knowledge and skills required within the horticultural industry. This award would be ideal for students who wish to apply for course at the SRUC or landscape gardening/ horticulture courses at college. It would also suit those wishing to pursue outdoor apprenticeship options or work in the land management sector. There will also be the opportunity to work with local businesses in these fields.




The qualification offers opportunity for a flexible approach and will cover the following four units:

· Allotment gardening

· Plant propagation

· Horticultural composting

· Plant health

· Soft landscaping


Faculty Principal Teacher

Ms R Ilske

Assessment Methods

Learning and Teaching Approaches

The course is a mixture of practical work and written open book assessments. You will be required to demonstrate that you can safely use tools and equipment, design and plan enhancements to outdoor spaces. You will learn how to grow fruit and vegetables from seed to plate and cook your own produce. There is no final exam as this award is continually assessed. As well as achieving a Level 4 qualification, you will also learn important life skills: working as a team, communicating effectively, giving instructions, problem solving and ICT skills, producing assignments and simple designs. Be prepared to get mucky and have a lot of fun!

Progression Pathway