
National 4/ National 5

Course Overview

Curriculum for Excellence recognises that the ability to use language lies at the centre of learning. Learners reflect, communicate and develop confidence through language, offering them a unique advantage when entering further learning and the world of work. Through their foreign language experiences at Banchory Academy, pupils will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of their own language whilst appreciating the differences between languages at the same time. Our courses aim to raise awareness of other cultures and encourage pupils to widen their horizons, reflect on their own culture and think about other perspectives, understanding their important role as global citizens in an international, multi-lingual world.


Through a variety of positive learning experiences, pupils will have the opportunity to build on their prior language learning to develop the high level of skills in listening and talking, reading and writing, which are essential for learning, work and life.   In addition, we aim to enhance pupils’ understanding of how language works. 


There are courses in French, German and Spanish available, open to all abilities, encouraging our pupils to achieve their full potential.  Pupils also have the opportunity to take a second foreign language 



Our courses enable pupils to develop the skills necessary to use language successfully in order to express their ideas and opinions on issues of interest to them.  We continue to equip pupils with the language and skills to cope in practical situations as confident individuals in the foreign country. They will be encouraged to reflect on how their foreign language learning links to their own first language and develop their skills whilst listening, talking, reading and writing in a modern language.  Pupils will study a variety of topics relating, for example, to the society they live in, other cultures and citizenship.  The course material will enable pupils to see a purpose to their learning and enhance their enjoyment and understanding of their own and other cultures. Building on the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence, the course enables learners to be critical thinkers, develop cultural awareness, and be creative. 



Regular homework will be set including the learning and revising of new vocabulary and phrases as well as a variety of tasks to practise pupils’ language skills to consolidate classroom learning.  Pupils should be encouraged to use recommended websites to practise their language skills further at home. 


Faculty Principal Teacher

Mrs J Ellson 

Assessment Methods


Skills of reading, writing, listening and talking are assessed at National 4 level.


Unit 1: Understanding Language (Reading and Listening) Pupils will be required to demonstrate their understanding of straightforward, but detailed spoken and written language in one of the following familiar contexts; citizenship, society, learning, employability or culture


Unit 2: Using Language (Talking and Writing) Pupils will be required to demonstrate their use of straightforward, but detailed spoken and written language in one of the familiar contexts aforementioned


National 4 is achieved when learners pass all three units which are all internally assessed. There is no external assessment for National 4.



The course assessment has five components at National 5


Component 1: Reading       This is undertaken in Exam Paper 1

Component 2: Writing         This is undertaken in Exam Paper 1

Component 3: Listening       This is undertaken in Exam Paper 2

Component 4: Writing Assignment  This is undertaken during the course and assessed in class

Component 5: Performance-talking. 6-8 minutes.  This is undertaken during the course and recorded under exam conditions.


National 5 is achieved when learners complete the course requirements and achieve a grade A-D in the external assessment.

Learning and Teaching Approaches

The courses are delivered using a variety of learning and teaching approaches in order to maximise progress in all four skills by engaging our pupils to be active participants in enjoyable, motivating learning environments. They will encounter a wide range of different types of texts in different media including reading authentic texts, newspaper articles, magazines and various websites and software.  Their experiences will allow them to deepen their understanding of grammar and vocabulary on a range of topics.  Pupils will prepare and deliver presentations, practise speaking and listening using digital audio, work together in groups and be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning.  Formative assessment and active learning continue to be integral to classroom teaching. 

Progression Pathways