
National 4/National 5

Course Overview


The Geography Course will encourage pupils to develop an increased understanding of the environment, sustainability and the impact of global issues. Through such studies, pupil’s horizons are extended and they are challenged to look at the world in new ways. Geography opens up for learners the physical environment around them and highlights the ways in which people interact with this environment.



This Course is made up of 3 Units; Physical Environments, Human Environments and Global Issues. Within each Unit there is a considerable degree of flexibility in contexts and themes which can be studied.


Throughout the course pupils will be given regular homework to enhance their study skills and prepare for unit assessments. Homework can take a number of different formats, for example, completing course work, revision or research tasks.



Through completing this course it is expected that pupils will develop broad, generic skills for life, work and learning. Thinking skills, literacy, numeracy and employability, enterprise and citizenship skills will be developed to a level appropriate with the level of course undertaken.

This course or its components may provide progression to: other SQA qualifications in the Social Studies suite of Courses, further study, or entry into employment or training for a diverse range of occupations and careers.  Pupils who achieve an award at National 5 at Level C or above can progress on to Higher Grade.

Faculty Principal Teacher

Mr N Bentley

Assessment Methods

National 4

All Units for National 4 will be internally assessed on a pass or fail basis. Assessments will be taken on a Unit-by-Unit basis or through combined assessment. Learners at National 4 are also required to pass an added value assessment/assignment to gain a full course award.


National 5

The course assessment has two components:

Component 1: - question paper

Component 2:- assignment


The question paper allows candidates to demonstrate application of the following skills and breadth of knowledge and understanding from across the course:


-   using a limited range of mapping skills

-   using a limited range of numerical and graphical information

-   giving detailed descriptions and explanations with some interpretation


The question paper has 80 marks out of a total of 100 marks.  The question paper is therefore worth 80% of the overall marks for the course assessment.


The assignment allows candidates to demonstrate the following skills, knowledge and understanding within the context of a geographical topic or issue:

-   choosing with minimum support, an appropriate geographical topic or issue

-   collecting information from a limited range of sources of information

-   processing the information gathered, using geographical skills/techniques

-   drawing on knowledge and understanding to explain and analyse key features of the topic or issue

-   reaching a well-supported conclusion, supported by evidence, about the topic or issue studied


The assignment has 20 marks out of a total 100 marks.  The assignment is therefore worth 20% of the overall marks for the course assessment.

Learning and Teaching Approaches

A wide range of teaching strategies will be employed including whole class teaching, group work, individual research as well as investigative and critical thinking activities.  Opportunities for practical activities, including fieldwork, will be encouraged, so that learners can interact with their environment.

Progression Pathways

National 4 Pass:

National 5 Geography

National 5 A - C:

Higher Geography