
National 4/ National 5

Course Overview


Pupils will follow the National 4 or National 5 course which provides pupils with the opportunity to develop the skills of listening and talking, reading and writing in order to understand and use language. Some pupils may be given the option of following the National 3 course which will be better suited to their individual needs.



Building on literacy skills, the course develops understanding of the complexities of language, including the study of a wide range of texts. The course develops high levels of analytical thinking and understanding of the impact of language. Within the Literacy Unit, learners will be developing their language skills relevant for learning, life and work.



Homework is set every week. It may take the form of reading or watching the class text; planning or completing a written task started in class; preparing for an individual talk, presentation or assignment; researching a context for learning. On a weekly basis, pupils are also expected to go over work completed in class and broaden their personal reading to a range of texts including quality journalism. It should therefore never be possible for a pupil to say he or she has no English homework. 

Faculty Principal Teacher

Mrs L Forman

Assessment Methods

Learners will be required to provide evidence for 3 units for National 4:

Creation and Production

Analysis and Evaluation


These units are assessed internally by the teacher at National 4 level. 

At National 5, learners are assessed through a spoken language unit, a Portfolio and an end of course examination.


Paper 1 – Reading for Understanding Analysis, Evaluation – 30 marks (%) will be awarded for applying reading skills, understanding, analysis and evaluation to a non-fiction text.  Learners will answer questions to show their understanding, analysis and evaluation of the text, and summarise key information.

Paper 2 – Critical Reading – will have 40 marks (%).  This paper has two parts:

Section 1 Scottish Texts (20%) – Pupils will apply their understanding, analysis and evaluation skills based on previously studied Scottish texts by answering questions on one Scottish text chosen from a list of specified texts covering the genres of drama, prose, and poetry.  These texts will be both contemporary and pre-20th century.

Section 2 Critical Essay (20%) - Pupils will apply their understanding, analysis and evaluation skills to previously studied texts from the following contexts: drama, prose or poetry by writing one critical essay.

 In each part, pupils must cover a different genre and cannot use the same text twice.

The writing portfolio – is prepared independently in class and home then externally assessed.  Learners are given the opportunity to develop their skills in writing in different genres.


One pieces of writing must be submitted: Either

The portfolio is worth 30% of the total mark

Learning and Teaching Approaches

Learners develop these skills at different rates and will thus be divided into classes according to their ability and learning needs. A variety of teaching styles will be used: whole class teaching, paired, group work and individual tasks.

Progression Pathways

National 4

National 5 English or National 5 Media

National 5 A - C:

Higher English

Higher Media