
National 4/National 5

Course Overview


Pupils have opportunities to develop skills creating and presenting drama. This Course focuses on the development and use of a range of drama skills and production skills to present drama. This course allows development of transferrable skills such as teamwork, thinking skills, presentation skills, confidence, and leadership skills.


The aims of the Course are to enable pupils to:


As pupils develop practical skills creating and presenting drama, they will also develop knowledge and understanding of cultural and social influences on drama. Pupils will analyse and evaluate how the use of self-expression, language and movement can develop their ideas for drama. Pupils will develop critical thinking skills as they investigate, develop and apply a range of drama skills.



The Course consists of two mandatory Units and the Course assessment.


Drama Skills (National 4 and 5)

In this Unit, pupils will explore and develop a range of drama skills and ways of communicating thoughts and ideas to an audience. They will learn how to respond to stimuli, including text. They will also learn how to develop portrayal of character in a range of ways and develop knowledge and understanding of form, structure, genre and style when creating and presenting drama. Pupils will develop knowledge and understanding of social and cultural influences on drama. They will also learn how to evaluate their own progress and that of other pupils.


Drama: Production Skills (National 4 and 5)

In this Unit, pupils will develop a range of production skills. They will use these skills to enhance drama when presenting. Pupils will use problem-solving skills in order to generate ideas for presenting drama. National 4 and 5 pupils can choose from acting and an additional area of theatre arts including hair and make-up, costume, props, lighting and sound to develop their skills for presenting drama. National 5 pupils can also choose set design.



Pupils will be expected to research materials, keep support logs, learn lines and prepare for production team responsibilities. They will also be required to complete essay questions and give time to extra rehearsals.


Faculty Principal Teacher

Mr A Bruce

Learning and Teaching Approaches

The Course uses an integrated approach to learning which develops practical skills as well as knowledge and understanding of drama. As pupils develop their creating skills, they will also learn how to use a range of drama skills for example characterisation techniques, rehearsal techniques and presentation techniques. They will experiment with presenting

through portrayal of character and by using a range of production skills (acting, lighting, sound, hair and make-up, costume, props) and set design for National 5 pupils. Through creating and presenting drama, evaluation skills will also be developed as pupils evaluate their own skills and progress, and that of other pupils. Pupils will also consider cultural values, identities and ideas which influence drama.

Assessment Methods

All Units are internally assessed against SQA requirements

The assessment of the Units in this Course will be as follows:


Drama Skills (National 5)

In this Unit, pupils will provide evidence to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a range of drama skills when they create drama. Using stimuli, including text, pupils will use drama skills when they create and present drama as an actor. Pupils will evaluate their own work and that of other learners.


Drama: Production Skills (National 5)

In this Unit, pupils will provide evidence to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a range of production skills. Pupils will use production skills to enhance drama when presenting. Pupils will evaluate their own work and that of other pupils.


Course assessment

In the National 5 Drama Course, added value will focus on:

Pupils will draw on, extend and apply the skills they have learned during the Course. This will be assessed through a performance and a question paper. The performance will involve creating and presenting a drama. A report will also be required which focuses on the process which the pupil undertook in order to arrive at the concepts for the performance. The report will be cross marked by the SQA visiting assessor. The question paper will require demonstration of a depth of knowledge and understanding from the Course.

Progression Pathways

The course allows pupils to widen their horizons regarding a range of vocations and careers through broadening generic skills such as literacy, personal learning, working with others, creating, applying, analysing and evaluating. It also builds skills of confidence, teamwork, creative thinking, self-evaluation, presentation and leadership.

National 4 Pass

National 5 Drama

National 5 A or B:

Higher Drama