
National 5

Course Overview


The aim of the course is to develop your curiosity, interest, and enthusiasm for chemistry in a range of contexts. The skills of scientific inquiry are integrated and developed throughout the course. The relevance of chemistry is highlighted by the study of the applications of chemistry in everyday contexts. This enables you to become scientifically literate citizens, able to review the science-based claims you meet.



You will gain an understanding of chemistry and develop this through a variety of approaches, including practical activities, investigations and problem solving. You will research topics, apply scientific skills, and communicate information related to your findings, which develops skills of scientific literacy.


The course content includes the following areas of chemistry:


In this area, topics covered are: rates of reaction; atomic structure and bonding related to properties of materials; formulae and reacting quantities; acids and bases.



In this area, topics covered are: homologous series; everyday consumer products; energy from fuels.



In this area, topics covered are: metals; plastics; fertilisers; nuclear chemistry; chemical analysis.


You will also develop a range of skills, including:

·         Planning or designing experiments to test given hypotheses or to illustrate particular effects

·         Selecting, processing, and presenting information

·         Making predictions based on evidence

·         Drawing valid conclusions and giving explanations supported by evidence

·         Evaluating experimental procedures

·         Communicating findings

·         Applying knowledge of chemistry to new situations, interpreting information and problem solving



You will be provided with regular written exercises to review and consolidate content, as well as an expectation to look back each week at the material covered.



Faculty Principal Teacher

Miss F Keppie

Chemical Changes and Structure (N4)

Nature's Chemistry (N4)

Chemistry in Society (N4)

Chemical Changes and Structure (N5)

Nature's Chemistry  (N5)

Chemistry in Society (N5)

Assessment Methods

You will have regular check tests to assess understanding as well as end of unit assessments and a prelim. You will have an external examination at the end of the course that consists of 100 marks and is 2 and a half hours long.

National 4

There is no final exam. The course is assessed on an ongoing basis through coursework and class assessments. 

National 5

There is an Assignment (20 %) and an end of year exam (80 %), which will be externally assessed by SQA and will be graded (A-D). 

Learning and Teaching Approaches

A wide range of teaching strategies are used with classes, such as practical and experimental work, direct teaching, paired and/or group work. Pupils will prepare presentations, projects and carry out structured practical investigations. Work in class is supported through the use of course plans, ICT and other media. Pupils will be involved in setting their own targets and evaluating their own as well as others progress. Pupils are expected to take responsibility for their learning at an early stage. 

Progression Pathways

National 4 Pass:

National 5 Chemistry

National 5 Lab Science

National 5 A -C: 

Higher Chemistry (recommend A/B)

FA Scientific Technologies