Business Management

National 4/National 5

Course Overview


Business plays a vital role in society and this course will allow learners to gain an introduction to the world of business.  It aims to highlight the way in which organisations operate and how they achieve their goals.  Learners will understand the way society relies on business to satisfy our needs and gain an insight into the business systems used to meet customer needs.  The course also allows learners to develop enterprising skills and attitudes as well as financial awareness using realistic business situations.



Pupils studying at N5 level will cover the following topics:


Understanding Business - Topic include the business environment, enterprise, different types of business organisations, internal and external environments and the role of stakeholders in business.

Management of Marketing - Topics include effective market research, maintaining competitiveness through the marketing mix, how marketing can be used to communicate effectively with consumers and maximising customer satisfaction.

Management of Operations - Topics include effective operations systems, quality processes and procedures, management of suppliers, inventory, and methods of production in an ethical manner.

Management of People - Topics include the issues facing organisations when managing people – recruitment and selection, training, motivation of staff, employment legislation.

Management of Finance - Topics include sources of business finance, cash budgeting, break-even and profit statements.


Pupils studying at N4 will cover similar topics to support their learning for 2 units, Business in Action N4 and Influences on Business N4



A range of learning and teaching approaches will be used to allow pupils to develop a wide variety of skills in a business context. This will include whole class teaching, individual study and group work.  Opportunities for active learning will help pupils to develop an understanding of the role of business in contemporary society.



N5 - There will be an external exam worth 90 marks with questions from all 5 areas of study. There will also be an assignment which is done in class time and marked externally. The assignment is worth 70 marks.

N4 – Pupils have no external exam but will complete SQA units Business in Action N4 and Influences on Business N4 and the Added Value Unit: Business Assignment.  This AVU is internally assessed. 



Pupils will be expected to complete regular homework to enhance their study skills and prepare for assessment.  Homework could consist of completing course work, revision of classwork or research tasks.


Faculty Principal Teacher

Mr S Leiper

Assessment Methods


Progression Pathways

Pupils achieving success at National 4 can progress to National 5 level.  Those achieving success at National 5 can progress to Higher level. 

Learners may also consider continuing their studies through a college course or using their skills and knowledge in the world of work.

National 5 A - C:

Higher Business Management