
National 5

Course Overview


The course develops scientific understanding of biological issues and aims to generate enthusiasm for biology by developing pupils’ interests with an emphasis on practical activities.



Cell Biology

This topic covers cell structure and processes within cells, such as transport, photosynthesis, and respiration, as well as DNA, protein and biotechnology.

Multicellular Organisms 

This topic includes a comparative approach to the study of plants and animals, through areas such as reproduction and inheritance, the need for transport within organisms, digestion and associated enzymes, control and communication, and health.

Life on Earth

This topic will include the topics on world ecosystems, evolution, natural selection and competition, behaviour, biodiversity, decay, recycling, microorganisms, and ethical issues.



Pupils should expect to work at home on a regular basis.   Without prompting, they should look back each week and summarise what they have covered.  In addition, they can expect to be doing either a written exercise or preparation for assessments. 



Biology courses lead to many careers where biology is applied: medicine, dentistry, physiotherapy, nursing, speech and occupational therapy, psychology, veterinary sciences, agriculture, plant and animal breeding, food science, dietetics, microbiology, ecology, conservation, pharmacology, biochemistry and biophysics.

Faculty Principal Teacher

Miss F Keppie

Cell Biology (N5)

Multicellular Organisms (N5)

Life on Earth (N5)

Assessment Methods


Each topic will be assessed through an end of unit test.  There will be an external examination at the end of the course covering all 3 topics and lasts 2.5hrs.  Pupils will sit an assignment task in school which will contribute to 20% of their overall grade.



Pupils choose from a selection of experiments, which they then carry out under supervision.  The underlying biology relating to the experiment is researched and a report is written under controlled conditions.

Learning and Teaching Approaches

A variety of methods is used, including class teaching, project work, various practical activities, problem solving exercises, tutorials in small groups, videos and discussion. 

Progression Pathways

National 4 Pass:

National 5 Biology

National 5 Lab Science

National 5 A - C:

Higher Biology

FA Scientific Technologies