S3 Music


Course Overview


The aims of the Course are to enable pupils to:

·         develop skills in creating music, which includes composing, arranging and improvising, by applying a range of basic compositional techniques

·         develop skills in musical analysis and to discriminate between a range of styles and genres of music

·         develop their musical literacy through an understanding of a range of music concepts and ideas

·         perform a variety of music on their chosen instrument(s) with accuracy

·         have the opportunity to acquire skills in the use of music technology

·         reflect on, and evaluate their own work and that of others



The Course consists of three units.

Composing Skills

Pupils develop skills in creating music, which includes composing, arranging or improvising, in order to create their own original music. Pupils also develop understanding of a range of musical styles/genres and an awareness of the social and cultural influences on music.

Understanding Music

Pupils develop knowledge and understanding of music, a range of music concepts and basic musical literacy.  Pupils explore music of a range of styles and genres and consider the social and cultural influences on music.

Performing Skills

In this Unit, pupils will develop performing skills appropriate to their chosen instrument(s)/voice. They develop the ability to play accurately and maintain musical flow. Through regular practice and reflection, pupils will develop technical and musical skills while exploring a range of music.



The Course has an integrated approach to learning through practical activity. Through creating, performing and using music technology, pupils will develop and apply their

understanding of music and will experience music in a variety of styles.  Pupils will also have the opportunity to develop team building skills and enhance their ability to compete, co-operate and collaborate.



Composing Skills

Evidence will be gathered to show the pupil has developed a range of skills in composing or arranging or improvising, in order to create their own original music.

Understanding Music

Evidence will be gathered to show the pupil can demonstrate knowledge and understanding of music, a range of music concepts and musical literacy.

Performing Skills

Evidence will be gathered to show that pupils, through regular practice/rehearsal and reflection, have developed simple technical and musical performing skills on their chosen instrument(s)/voice while exploring a range of music. 


Pupils will be expected to practise their instruments on a regular basis.  There will be occasional requirements to work on composition outside class time.  Musical concepts should be revised regularly.

Faculty Principal Teacher

Mr A Bruce

Skills Developed

Coming soon...

Recommended Next Steps (S4)