Let's Share!

Publishing Your Letter

Now that you have finished your letter, use it to introduce yourself. Your teacher will explain how you will do this.

Note to teachers:

There are a number of options for sharing these letters. You could choose one, or mix and match.

  • Students could share their letters with partners or small groups, describing the details in their design and explaining what the designs represent.

  • Students could take turns sharing, following the same format, in front of the class.

  • Students could video share. If you have a free SeeSaw account, students could upload a picture of their illuminated letter. Then, students could record a video blog post describing the details in their letter and explaining what the designs represent.

  • Students could upload a picture of their letter and use it as their profile picture in an Edmodo account. Then, they could post the explanation.

  • The original student artwork could be displayed, or students could use it as a binder cover for a binder with a transparent folder on the front.