Rube Goldberg Machines

You may be thinking "What is a Rube Goldberg machine?" Well, a Rube Goldberg machine is a ridiculously complex route of getting from point A to point B, or an incredibly hard way of preforming a simple action.

You can basically use anything you have lying around to make it. When I say anything, I mean anything. Including, food, toilet paper rolls, books, computers even. That's the easy part. The hard part is the inspiration. Here are some websites and videos to help you get inspiration. Also don't get frustrated if it does not work the first time, or the second, or even the twenty-first. Probably only 0.00001% (Not completely true) of the people who make Rube Goldberg machines get it to work the first time around. So go build some Rube Goldberg machines. -Uri

Here are some videos made by professionals: rubegoldbergbyOKgo,


And another:WOW!