Mission Statement

Our Library Strives to be a Multi-Purpose Resource Center for 

Students, teachers, and Staff

a Place Where:

In order to implement the library's mission statement, our library suggests enriching our students’ library experience by:

Professional Statement

The libraries at the University of Southern California suggest that librarians in 21st century libraries should compose a personal Statement of Philosophy of Librarianship (libguides.usc.edu). The purpose of such a statement is to:

In response to questions from constituents of the library at Crocker Farm Elementary School, I have prepared a personal Statement of Philosophy of Librarianship, in which I describe what I do as Curatorial Librarian.

Professional Statement

Curatorship is not exclusively about art. Librarianship is not exclusively about books.

As the role of librarians responds to changes in social issues and technology, I consider my role as one of a socially engaged curatorial librarian, working professionally in a library, providing access to edifying information, providing social and technical programming, and curating a collection of library materials that is academically enriching and socially responsive.

The Information School at the University of Washington describes librarianship as “collecting, organizing, preserving and disseminating information to their constituencies” (ischool.uw.edu).

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines curator as one who looks after, is superintendent or guardian of…a collection.

As a socially engaged curatorial librarian, I am in agreement with the American Library Association’s statement of fundamental values (www.ala.org), I consider their focus on equity, diversity and inclusion to be indispensable objectives in the 21st century library. This is reflected in my insistence on practicing what are concepts commonly referred to as whole-person librarianship and cultural humility among library personnel and procedures.

The learning environment at the Crocker Farm Elementary School has enabled me to merge my preparation in curatorship and librarianship. As a Librarian in previous elementary and middle-school environments. As a Curator with academic training (a graduate degree in Museum Studies) and over 20 years of socially relevant exhibition coordination.

Ms. Waleska Santiago-Centeno


Art History & Museum Studies

Children's Literature and Librarianship

Visual Culture and Social Justice