Global Studies

Hi! I'm Ms. Moryl.

(Pronounced Moral, like the moral of a story, but with a sometimes "y")

Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, I received my Bachelor of Arts in History, Philosophy, and Political Science from Wake Forest University and my Master of Arts in Teaching from Tufts University. This will be my third year working with Arlington Public Schools, and I have no doubt we will have a great year!

7th Grade Global Studies

Global Studies takes a look at various aspects of human society, and explores the interconnected roles of culture, government, economics, and the environment in issues around the world. We work on essential skills such as how to ask questions; how to answer questions by doing research; how to examine motive, perspective, and bias in ourselves and others; how to make an argument; how to express arguments in a variety of media formats (art, written, video, etc.); how to collaborate with others; and how to have a conversation with others. Ultimately, Global Studies asks us to be curious about something going on in the world in which we live, to consider a lot of different evidence and arguments, and to begin to think about our own beliefs given evidence.

This year, we will ask questions such as:

  • How do borders both unite and divide groups of people around the world?

  • How are human experiences shaped by physical geography, climate, and environment?

  • How are social, political, and economic events interconnected at the global level?

  • What are the global systems that contribute to our daily lives?

  • What are the major global issues today and how do they shape the world we live in?

You can find a link to the Course Syllabus here.

Need to contact me?

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Or stop Room 440 for a chat!