
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -Maya Angelou

Google Classroom

Our Learning Management System is Google Classroom (GC). All assignments and student announcements are posted on GC.
These are the codes that students will use to join their English GC:

2nd Period (Orange): 

3rd Period (Yellow): 

4th Period (Green): 

5th Period (Blue): 

7th Period (Pink):

Meet the teacher

Tyler Parke


Hello! Like many of you, this is my second year at the Ottoson. I hope to continue making many more connections with the great people of Arlington!

Prior to Arlington, I graduated with a B.A. in English from Bates College in 2019 and an M.Ed from Harvard in 2022. I grew up down the road in Concord, MA, but I currently reside in Cambridge.

Outside of teaching, I enjoy reading (especially fiction!), cooking, running, and enjoying the outdoors with friends. Looking forward to a great school year!