
Power, People & Progress

Google Classroom

Our Learning Management System is Google Classroom (GC). All assignments and student announcements are posted on GC.
These are the codes that students will use to join their Civics GC:

Orange: lh7ifsx

Yellow: gc3d6ca

Green: uub76mf

Blue: 3vjnjpl

Pink: xkemfjx

Hints & Tips! 

Check back soon for Civics hints & tips!

meet the teacher

Mary Kate Mezzetti

Our government is an old, complicated system. In civics, we're going to spend some time understanding why the government was built this way, who decided how to build it, and how those decisions impact us all each day. Who does our government work for? Who does it work against? What even is the electoral college, anyway? Let's find out! 

This is my third year teaching at Ottoson Middle School, and I can't wait to meet you all. Prior to teaching at OMS, I taught World History in Brookyln, New York. Before that, I was a Washington, D.C. resident for five years, and I had a front row seat to the inner workings of our government. I even worked in Congress as an intern for former Congresswoman Niki Tsongas. Before I became a teacher, I helped build computer programs that made communicating with elected officials easier for constituents. 

Understanding how the government works and how to participate in it is an essential part of becoming a good citizen and an informed human! Let's get to work.