
Teaching Mindfulness provides students with strategies they can use to self manage when experiencing heightened emotions.

Mindfulness and the Brain

This video explains how mindfulness can influence the pre-frontal cortex, hippothalamus, and the amygdala

Free Online: Mindfulness Class for Kids!

Classes will be held on:

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays

10am PDT / 1pm EDT

Sign up for Zoom call-in instructions

We are designing these LIVE online mindfulness classes with K-5 students in mind – AND please know that students and adults of all ages are welcome to participate. We are aware that many families are away from school and work, and we hope this is a resource that families can enjoy together.

What to expect:

  • Fun and interactive activities for kids such as mindful eating, movement, and more

  • 30 minutes of mindfulness and a restful break from the busyness of daily life

  • Experienced teachers from the Mindful Schools Training Team

Mindful Schools is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that relies on the generosity of our community to make these programs available to children and families. If you’d like to support these ongoing classes, please consider a donation to Mindful Schools.

Find your local number:

Mind Yeti for English speaking families: Mind Yeti

Mind Yeti for Spanish speaking families: Mind Yeti Espanol

Playworks: #PlayAtHome Initiative

Playworks is hosting live recesses on their Facebook page every day at 12pm. You, your students, and their families can tune into their Facebook page to engage in a live recess with a Playworks Coach, who will facilitate fun games to get kids active at home.

Julia Cook is an award winning author for her children's books on social development.

How are you feeling?

Take a moment, feel your breath, feel your body, and see if you can recognize and identify the emotions and feelings you are experiencing at this moment. Do not judge them or try to get rid of them or transform them. Whatever feelings you are experiencing are completely normal reactions to completely abnormal situations. Just breath.

Once you can name an emotion or two, or twelve, try to identify the next best feeling thought. Would it feel good to move your body? Would it feel good to spend time with family? Or call a friend? Or do something with your hands like cook or organize something, make a project or fix something? Take a look at this list and see which category stands out today for you and do it.

Moving forward, select an activity once daily for good self-care. Introduce this moment to breath and connect with your body and emotions to your housemates and make it a daily household habit or ritual to practice good mental health hygiene during social distancing or quarantine. You wash your hands multiple times a day, take each 20 second pause as an opportunity to breath, connect with your body and name what you are feeling. Good mental health hygiene is that easy- and also that important!

Beliefs (values, beliefs, self-statements)

Affect (expression of feelings)

Social (time with others)

Imagination (creativity, humor)

Cognition (information gathering, organizing)

Physical (for your body and your mind)

Resources (updated regularly)

Mindmatters serves as an interactive tool to share mental health resources & spread Shine's message. The app allows you to choose how you are feeling and recommends coping skills to try.