Recorded Webinars

Parents and Families

CASEL CARES: So Now What? Supporting SEL at Home

CASEL CARES is a new initiative that connects the SEL community with experts to address how SEL can be most helpful in response to today’s circumstances. The second webinar in this series features Jennifer Miller from Confident Parents, Confident Kids. Tune in as she helps us explore parenting strategies for SEL and learning during this time.

Watch Here!

CASEL CARES : Building Resilience to Support Ourselves, Others, and Our Students

CASEL CARES is a new initiative that connects the SEL community with experts to address how SEL can be most helpful in response to today’s circumstances. The third webinar in this series features Mark Greenberg, Christa Turksma, and Velma Cobb from CREATE. Tune in as they guide you through self-care and mindfulness exercises.

Watch Here!

How To Stop Losing It With Your Kids!

Webinar presented by PJ Library and Carla Naumburg, PhD, clinical social worker, PJ Our Way team member, and parent. This conversation helps parents learn tactics to keep their cool under the immense new pressures many parents are finding themselves under.

How to Build and Maintain Strong Relationships During a Time of Crisis (Purpose Prep)

This is a difficult time for relationships. People that are self-isolating are alone, worried, and depressed. Those that are together find that that constantly being around the same people can strain their relationships. The Washington Post recently warned of a “divorce tsunami.” Cook Children’s Medical Center in Texas says it has treated seven cases of severe child abuse in the last week – the average is six per year. The strain that the COVID19 epidemic is putting on our relationships with others is unprecedented. This 30-minute webinar ends with an open 30-minute Q&A session. Contact us to view and download the webinar recording

Embracing a New Normal – Elasticity & Resiliency During Crisis (Purpose Prep)

Together, we discussed how to deal with the stressors being placed on our relationships, health, and finances during this extraordinary time. We examined the characteristics that give us the ability to confront these challenges with both grace and resiliency, and we took-up the opportunity to become our “best selves.” This 30-minute webinar ended with an open 30-minute Q&A session. Contact us to view and download the webinar recording.

Educators and Mental Health Staff

NN COVID-19 Stress, Distress & Trauma Series (15-20 min mini-webinars!)

The videos in this series with Dr. Bruce Perry are provided to view and share. We have closed captioned each video. To change captions from English to another language, select "settings" (cog at bottom right), select “Subtitles/CC” then select “Auto-translate” and finally select the language of your choice.

Watch Here!

School Counseling in a virtual world: Legal and ethical considerations

Bob Bardwell, MASCA Executive Director and Director of Counseling, Monson Public Schools & Bonnie Robbins, Maine SCA president

PowerPoint. View Recording

School Counseling Leaders - How to manage programs in a time of crisis

Bob Bardwell, MASCA Executive Director and Director of Counseling, Monson Public Schools

PowerPoint View Recording

Dr. Blaise Aguirre offers strategies from dialectical behavior therapy to help mental health professionals and health care workers from all disciplines cope with the challenges they are facing during COVID-19.

CTE school counselors/school counselor leaders sharing session

Jen McGuire, School Counselor/Teacher Leader for Guidance, Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School and Tracy Encarnacao, Greater Lowell Vocational Technical


The Nuts and Bolts of Virtual School Counseling

Savannah Audet, Carrie Connolly, Sarah Dalton, Tara Hansen, Tony Latorella, Janily Lopez, Kaitlyn Luz, Kevin Podolski and Rachel Tryba, School counselors TEC Connections Academy (TECCA)

Po werPoint. View

Telehealth Basics

Many mental health providers across the country are taking their services online as COVID-19 forces the closure of clinics, schools and workplaces to visitors.

For many providers, the transition is daunting. To address this need, the Mid-America MHTTC joined forces with the Mountain Plains MHTTC and Mid-America ATTC to establish Telehealth Learning and Consultation (TLC) Tuesdays.

Each week, our Technology Transfer Center (TTC) Network specialists briefly discuss a specific topic, then answer questions from attendees submitted during registration. The first webinar, on telehealth basics, drew 1,116 unique viewers from across the country. The webinar recording and slides are available on the website and embedded below.

Telehealth Learning and Consultation Tuesdays (TLC) - Telehealth Basics

SOS Safety During COVID-19

Click here to watch the recording or here to view the presentation from today's webinar on Using ACT at Home as we navigate the new challenges associated with COVID-19.

The webinar included tips for how kids can use ACT even when they aren't face-to-face with friends or trusted adults. Our experts also discussed:

  • Wellness resources for students at home

  • Tips to maintain student support networks at home

  • Priority messaging for students during times of crisis

  • Planning for SOS when students return

Mental Health in a Time of Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic, like other traumatic events, can have a substantial impact on the mental health of populations. This mental health response is shaped both by the disease itself and by its economic and social consequences. It can shape mental health for months and years to come, long after the pandemic has passed. This seminar will discuss the state-of-the-science about mental health after large scale events and potential approaches to mitigate adverse mental health consequences. Watch the webinar here!

COVID-19 Pandemic: Mental Health Consequences and Implications

Watch the webinar here!

Webinars available for on-demand viewing: Ethical Considerations: School Counseling in a Virtual Setting (parts one and two), School Counseling in an Online World, The Power to Motivate and Celebrate College Signing Day Online are all available for online viewing on ASCA On Air.

All scheduled ASCA webinars will be presented as scheduled. While webinars are always free to members, until May 15, 2020, live webinars are also available free to nonmembers. CEU quizzes for webinars from March 15–May 15 are free to both members and nonmembers.

DESE partnered with Education Development Center, Transforming Education, and Walker

How districts can address the mental health needs of students and support their Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) growth during these uncertain times. Topics covered will include the impact of school closures on students’ mental health, strategies for supporting students virtually, and online resources to help students develop SEL competencies while school is out. The first half of the webinar included brief presentations from SEL and mental health experts, a review of available resources, and opportunities for participants to ask questions of the presenters. The second half included a facilitated conversation where participants expressed challenges and share additional resources, ideas, and supports with one another.

Slides, chat transcript, and resources are available here.

Other Neat Webinars...

EVO Academy Live Session - How to Create Order & Find Focus During COVID-19

Parents trying to work from home? Need to create some order and find focus? Les Hewitt, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Power Of Focus was kind enough to join Team EVO for a free webinar last week to share his five fundamental life skills that can help us get through this pandemic. Check out the recording here.