LC EXpectations

1. Come to class on time and prepared. You must have everything you need for class. Missing supplies cannot be an excuse for tardiness. We start class at the designated time. Please be ready to learn and participate at that time.

2. Be respectful. Actively listen to your teachers and to your classmates. Raise your hand when you would like to speak. Respect the ideas and opinions of others.

3. Participate. Make meaningful contributions to class discussion. Ask questions, listen to others, be respectful, work hard, and be present in class (not a lot of absences, tardies, or missing homework). Some of the best learning moments will come from our class discussions.

4. Keep your work organized. There will be work checks throughout the year. Make an appointment to see your teacher after school if you are starting to feel disorganized.

5. Complete all assignments to the best of your ability. Effort goes a long way in our classes. It is the factor that determines how successful you will be. We expect every assignment to reflect your best effort and your commitment to each class.

6. Be the best person you can be. You will make mistakes this year. You will forget something once in a while. You will have a bad day. You will have a great day. We will help you with all of these moments. In return, we expect you to be the very best person you can be. Be kind to your classmates. Appreciate the learning opportunities you have. Come with a positive attitude.

7. Be an active communicator. Your teachers are here to support and to guide you. Please see us if you are confused, concerned, or in need of any assistance. After school is the best time to meet with teachers about social and academic concerns. We all value this time with students. It is a great opportunity to get to know your teachers! Our best students are regulars during after school times. Take initiative to seek the support you need.