May 16, 2023
Dawson Building #3
700 Clinton Street
Arkadelphia, Arkansas
Regular School Board Meeting
6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Establish Quorum
3. Moment of Silence
4. Badger Pride
a) Soldiers of Service Walk-a-Thon Student Volunteers
c) High Impact Teacher for Student Growth
5. Update on the new Peake Elementary School Construction Project
6. Instructional Report / PLC Spotlight - presentation by Arkadelphia High School staff
7. Consent Agenda
a) Approval of Minutes April 18, 2023 Regular Called Meeting and May 2, 2023 Agenda Setting meeting
b) Financial Statement April
8. Action Items
a) Approve the Special Education Budget
b) Approve Education Service Cooperative Representative Resolution
c) Approve APSD Campus School Improvement Plans Perritt, Peake, Goza, and AHS
d) Approve Classified Salary Schedule - Joint recommendation by CPPC and Administration
e) Policy Updates - Licensed Personnel Policies Classified Personnel Policies Policies 1,4,5, 6, and 7
9. Department Reports
a) Campus Updates Perritt, Peake, Goza, AHS
b) Athletics Report
c) Curriculum and Instruction Report
d) Custodial Report
e) Food Service April Report
f) Maintenance, Facilities, Safety and Transportation Reports
g) Special Education Report
h) Technology Report
i) Gifted and Talented Report
j) ALE Report
10. Superintendent’s Report –Ms. Thomas
a) Thank you to all of our teachers and staff for a great school year!
b) Congratulations to Goza Middle School for being identified as a Capturing Kids' Hearts National Showcase School!
c) Congratulations to Mrs. Maria Fields, AHS English teacher, for being named a High Impact Teacher by DESE for her impact on student academic growth!
d) Enrollment / ADM Update
e) AHS Arkadelphia Promise Signing - May 17 @ 1:00, AHS Gymnasium
f) AHS Graduation-HSU- May 20 at 10:00
g) APSD Retirement Reception-May 25 - 3:30-4:30, Goza Cafeteria
11. Personnel
12. Adjournment