Site location and context

Source: Planning Design and Construction Departments

Health Sciences Library 

Official name: Arizona Health Science Library

Building number:  0201.01 / 202 A 

Address:  1350 N Warren Ave. 

Construction:  January 1st, 1991

Whole Building Gross SF: 86,816

Net Area AHSL SF: 41,243

The Tucson Arizona Health Sciences Library building is part of the Banner Hospital + UA HS complex, located on the north-west area of the University of Arizona campus. It is house of the offices of the AHS Library, Dept. of Emergency Medicine, Arizona Telemedicine Program, COM Info Technology Services, UAHS Research, UAHS Academic Support, Medicine Administration and the UAHS Equity, Diversity & Inclusion.

Photo: Connection of HSL library with University of Arizona Campus and Downtown Tucson via Speedway Boulevard. (Source: Google Earth 3D)

Photo: Contextual Photogrammetry of the health science complex. (Source: Google Earth)

Photo: Entrance through the second floor- Arizona Health Science Library.

Diagram: Entrance of bookstore from the ground and exclusively from second floor for the library- Arizona Health Science Library.

The library is connected to the College of Medicine, sharing internal corridors on the second floor, where the main entrance to the library is. The service entrance connects the facility to the UA bookstore and another corridor in the ground level also connecting the College of Medicine. The HSL is now in a premier location in relationship with the campus expansion north from Speedway where currently the new Health Science Innovation Building, the College of Nursing and BIO 5 Institute have prompted a walkable plaza connecting them in one complex.

The HS Library today

First Floor  HSL & Telemedicine

The 10, 462 SF available for the AHSL to use are offices with a net capacity for 43 people and 2 conference rooms with net capacity for 30 people. Space 1149 is currently occupied by a library stack accessible to students/users. Spaces shaded in blue in the floor plan and table 2 above show areas not directly under the management of the Health Science Library, however, the spaces occupied by Telemedicine will be considered for the vision scenarios targeting more funding. This is in case their administration, currently transitioning, is interested in taking advantage of a new and better layout and with that positively impacting their spaces as well.  

Second  Floor HSL

he 14, 098 sf on the second floor are dedicated to the main access, with a welcoming reception area leading to the Ask Me desk (figure 6) check out materials, including the 3d models, reading floor and private study rooms. This floor extends its area to the east building that connects it to the Health Science Center. In this extension, HSL has allocated a Reflection room, additional offices and a snack area surrounded by informal collaborative spaces.   

Third Floor HSL

The 18,405 sf in this floor are dedicated to study rooms and reading area. Normally isolated and with multiple seating arrangements.

Drachman HSL Room current vs new.pdf