HSL - Drachman Institute project

The Health Sciences Library (HSL) space planning project aims at modernizing the existing library interior space considering three scenarios for scope and cost. The project consists of the development of a long-term vision and architectural plans for an updated library building based on design research and multi-stage participatory activities. It expects to comprehensively incorporate the opinions of students across all health sciences colleges to determine programmatic needs and priorities while consulting faculty and administrators to identify unmet needs relevant to library space. This evidence-based and user-centered approach will support HSL’s vision, assist in fundraising, and broaden stakeholder participation. Schematic design packages based on different scenarios will assist internal and external collaborators in cost estimation and further design development. 

Health Science Library

Janet Crum,

Director, Health Sciences Library

Gerald Perry,

Associate Dean,
UA Libraries

Alexandra Franz-Harder,

Admin Assistant
UA Libraries

Mikel Bates,

Program Coordinator Sr. &
Building Manager, Health Science Library

Annabelle Nuñez,

Associate Director, Health Sciences Library

Drachman Institute  

College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture 

Altaf Engineer

PI & Supervisor
Associate Professor, Director RESTRUCT,
School of Architecture 

Sandra Bernal

Co-PI & Project Manager
School of Landscape Architecture and Planning

Bo Yang

Co-PI & Advisor
School of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning
Associate Dean for Research, CAPLA

Courtney Crosson

Associate Professor of Architecture

Director, The Drachman Institute

MS.Arch Faculty Advisor, Urban Design Concentration

Asif Hasan Zeshan

Graduate Research Assistant,
Master of Science in Architecture Candidate,
College of Architecture, Planning & Landscape Architecture

Sadia Tasnim

Graduate Research Assistant,
Master of Science in Architecture Candidate,
College of Architecture, Planning & Landscape Architecture

Greg Veitch

Research Coordinator, Drachman Institute and Native Peoples Design Coalition

College of Architecture, Planning & Landscape Architecture

Project proposal

HSL_Proposal_Drachman Final.pdf