AZ 4-H STEM Competition 2023-2024


We are proudly hosting our event at the University of Arizona Recreation Center. The two-day event will be hosted between May 04 to May 05, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. 

On May 04, we are hosting the Underwater Robotics and the Lego Robotics and on May 05, we are hosting Green SEED and Cross Reality. If the students are trying to do the projects that are run at the same time, like Green SEED and Cross Reality, inform the people running the competition in order for them to participate in both projects on a given day. 

The schedule for the event will be posted soon in order to know the timeline of the competition and what will be happening at a given time for everyone involved in the competition. 

Parking areas are posted below.

The AZ 4-H Competition team wants you to enjoy your time here in Tucson! We asked hotels near our area to help our competitors and families out during your stay here. Here is the list of hotels:

Parking Information

We are excited for you to join us at the competition! Below you will see the parking lots that are the closest to the University of Arizona Recreation Center, or label down below, Student Recreation Center, label with an X. 

Afer finding the parking lot, and entering the Student Recreation Center building,  the build directory should help you find where we are hosting the event. We will have the check-in at the entrance and our voluteers will lead the family members as well as our competors to where thay need to go. 

Places to Eat

Click here to view the food options at each district