Taster Experience Introduction

The aim of this Taster Experience is to give you an insight into the courses we offer and to help you prepare for life at Arden Sixth Form. We hope this will provide you with valuable information and will help you consolidate your option choices. Choosing the correct subjects is key to success at A Level!

After this introduction page, there are four more main pages to this Taster Experience website. Please make sure you read down to the bottom of each page so that you don't miss anything:

  1. The Life at Arden Sixth Form page provides essential information about Arden Sixth Form as well as a flavour of what to expect. Please read all of the information and watch all of the videos as they are relevant to all applicants.

  2. The Taster Lessons page provides an index to all of the different courses we offer. This page is the gateway to subject specific pages. Here, you can pick and choose the subjects that are relevant to you.

    • Each subject has prepared a Taster Lesson for you to complete. We expect all students to complete at least three Taster Lessons, though there is the opportunity to undertake more.

    • You will also need to complete the Pre-Learning Tasks, for subjects that you enrol in, as these will be collected in by your teachers in September.

  3. There will be Live Q&A Sessions starting the week commencing 21st June to enable you to put questions to the teachers directly. Instructions and a schedule are available on this page.

  4. Finally, the Next Steps page contains vital information about the next steps in the application process. This includes resubmitting your Option Choices and completing the important forms that you and your parents need to complete by 30th June in order for you to to be able to successfully enrol into Arden Sixth Form on 12th August.