Call to Action 1: Register to vote

The best time to register is right now while you're thinking of it! Pennsylvania's voter registration deadline is May 3rd for the May 18th, 2021 election. However, if you are a new PA voter interested in a no-excuse-needed mail-in ballot, it's recommended that you register ASAP. Click here to see other states' registration deadlines at

You can complete the PA registration process completely online if you have a PA driver's license or PennDOT ID card. If you are registering in PA and do not have approved PA ID, you can click this link for a mail-in voter registration form.

You can find any state's online voter registration opportunities through a Google search, or you can register in any state through at this link.

Check the status of your registration.

If you're not sure if your voter registration matches your current address, or if your registration went through, or you have any question at all about your status, you can check your status through Rock the Vote at this link.