Call to Action 4: Mobilize others to vote.

Campus organizing:

Click here to join Arcadia Votes! And check out our social media resources below.

All members of the Arcadia Community are welcome to join Arcadia Votes, our nonpartisan, everyone-welcome initiative to emphasize the importance of civic engagement at Arcadia and GET OUT THE VOTE!

Joining a Campaign:

Although Arcadia Votes is a nonpartisan organization, we know working on a campaign or for a political party can be a rewarding way to participate in our democracy and a valuable professional development opportunity. We encourage anyone who is interested in working for particular candidates or parties to look to those candidates' official websites for volunteer or job opportunities.

As an example of a volunteer position, many campaigns are relying more heavily on phone banking than they have in the past. There is often a brief training for phone bankers, and always a script. Making 45 calls for a phone bank takes about an hour and fifteen minutes.

Hint: You may be given more responsibility if you were to work for local candidates or local branches of a party than you would if you were to volunteer for a state- or national-level candidate.

Social Media Resources #ArcadiaVotes

General Overview and guidelines for Arcadia Votes social media

Arcadia Votes is a nonpartisan, more-the-merrier, University-wide initiative to encourage each and every eligible member of the Arcadia community to be a voter. You can find much more overview information at the document linked here, and you may want to pull facts and resources directly from that document to share on social media.

Three main guidelines:

  • *Nonpartisan*: The content we put out as part of #ArcadiaVotes is nonpartisan, does not support or oppose any candidate for office or political party, and does not constitute lobbying;

  • *Accurate*: The content we put out as part of #ArcadiaVotes provides accurate information;

  • *Sharing is Caring*: The content each of us puts out as part of #ArcadiaVotes may be replicated by others to help build enthusiasm for the common cause. If any of us wants credit for original art in subsequent posts that use our content, each of us will say so in our original post. If any of us uses another member’s original art, we will give them credit in our posts.

SI2 will not be monitoring posts. We are assuming good faith attention to these guidelines.

Organize Your Community

Clubs, teams, offices, and academic departments are encouraged to use this image in their Instagram story, and challenge their group to get to100% voter registration. You can also insert the Instagram voter registration widget (found in the stickers, looks like a peace sign) so that your followers can register to vote right there from the app.

Show That You're Registered

Individual Arcadia community members are encouraged to use this image in their Instagram story and tag their clubs, teams, offices, and academic departments to help their group get to 100% voter registration

Example Usage from Athletics

This is how Athletics will lay out their Instagram stories to challenge teams to get to 100% voter registration.

(Don't use this image)

Stamp of 100% Voter Registration

When your group (club, team, office members, majors, you name it!) gets to 100% voter registration or by October 19, fill out this google form. Once it is processed, we will send the group contact person a custom version of this image to post across social media or even add to your email signature. Your group will also be entered into a raffle for $10 gift certificates for take-out food for every member of your group. Plus, the first 10 people to certify that their group is 100% registered will get an Arcadia Votes t-shirt mailed to their house.

Arcadia Votes has students, staff, faculty, and administrators among its membership and Arcadia University President, Dr. Ajay Nair, was one of the first campus president signatories to the All In Campus Democracy Challenge. Thank you for joining this campus-wide effort to help us get to Arcadia's highest eligible voter participation rate yet!