Learning Ideas

Home Learning for the Holidays

MATARIKI- Matariki is the Māori name for a star constellation that rises up into the sky in mid-winter. This signals an important time in the New Zealand calendar - the Māori New Year. Matariki is a celebration of people, culture, language, spirituality and history.

Heart Foundation- here you will find 5 different activities to do as a whānau

Te Papa- simple ideas

Can you fill in a line? Or complete the bingo?

Take photos and upload to Hero!


Our class have become aware of the 'how to draw' on youtube. Here is a link to a great account that has many videos on how to draw things the students like. He draws with his kids to show the differentiation. Here is another one that we have used too - Young Explorers

Please upload your great work to hero!

Term 2 learning ideas:

The ideas below are optional. The only thing we ask is that you read with or to your child everyday.

We will add 2-3 ideas twice a week based on our School Values- curious, capable and caring, Wellbeing and Maori.

Each ako class will have a Zoom catch up each day- we will email you with passwords etc.

Hinehau- 11am-11.30 am (sometimes longer because you all like to talk)

Deb- 11.00am-11.30am

Please share your child's learning onto our '@home learning' tab on Hero

Wednesday 13 - Friday 15 May

Back to Basics

Caring-Fire Escape Plan

1. Draw a map of your house.

2. With the help of Mum or Dad design an emergency fire escape plan.

3. As a family decide on a meeting place (eg the letterbox)

4. Draw in the escape routine on your map.

5. Practice exiting via a window. Can you open the blinds and open the window on your own?

6. Time your exit

7. Involve everyone in the family-it is important everyone knows the plan!

8. Film your escape plan and share on HERO

NZ Fire Service Link for parents

Capable-Learn How To Cook An Egg

Eggs are an easy and quick meal and they very good for you. It is an essential 'Back to Basics' skill to be able to cook an egg. The great thing about eggs is you can cook them in many different way.

So for lunch, breakfast or tea one day cook an egg. You can.....

Boiled it, poach it, scramble it, fry it or turn your egg into an omelette. You choose!

Take a photo and share it with us on HERO.

Curious- Explore the Underwater World

Dive deep in the ‘Young Ocean Explorers’ website and investigate and explore the underwater world.

Learn how to draw animals in the ocean

Write a letter to Riley asking questions or telling her what you were feeling in some of her diving experiences.

Monday 11 - Tuesday 12 May

Back to Basics

Caring- Camp Day

  • Set up a camp either inside or outside and invite members of the family or toys to join you
  • Make a ‘camp’ lunch or tea
  • Make a pretend campfire
  • Learn a new song or camp song
  • What equipment do you need for a camp...torch, blankets, deck chairs, tent or teepee
  • Whatever you get out, you must put back in the right place!
  • Write a story about what you would do in a ‘dream’ camp? Where, who, what, why, when. Try to give reasons or more ideas to make your story exciting to read.

Capable- Learn a new skill

A new craft like finger knitting or paper weaving.

Or parents choose from here !

10 skills to teach your child before they turn 10 (eg doing the laundry, wrapping a gift, hammering a nail, write a letter, cook a simple meal, treat a wound, sew a button or clean a bathroom)

An Age-by-Age Guide to Teaching Your Child Life Skills

Curious- News Reporter

Can you make a short video presenting some news or can you be a co-host on fanimals?

It could be about…

  • Weather
  • Covid 19
  • Animals you like
  • Pets
  • Funny facts/news
  • Teaching a skill- game, drawing, juggling
  • Space
  • Vlog of a day with you or whānau
  • Gratitude

*If you don't have a device, create a poster or diorama to display your information


Try use catchy phrases to keep everyone engaged

Use images or videos

Keep it short and sweet

Apps- iMovie or Clips

Make diorama with an old shoe box or similar sized box

Week 4

Back in time.

Caring - Make a lockdown time capsule

In an empty tin or clean jar fill it with things you have done during lockdown.

Decorate the jar, tin or other suitable container and label it 'Lockdown Time Capsule'

Be creative…..put in photos, things you’ve made or drawn or recipes of food you have made. If you can't remember, have a look back through Hero and the class blog to see what you have been up to!

Once full, close it up and write a future date (eg 5 years) when you get to open it again!

Get Mum or Dad to store it somewhere safe.

Curious- Migration to New Zealand

Watch this clip about when and where Maori and Europeans migrated to NZ.

Maori Video

Follow up:

Write 3 questions about what you want to know more about it? (Research it)

Pause the video at 14 seconds and can you count how many waka came to NZ?

Using lego or sticks from outside, can you make your own raft at home? What can you reuse to make one? Can you use natural resources?


Watch the following clip and do one (or as many as you like) of the following activities........

History for Kids-Travel Through Time

Prehistoric Time- Paint and draw what you see on rocks or make some stick and stone tools that prehistoric people might have used.

Renaissance-Stick a piece of paper on the underside of a table. Lie on your back and draw a picture just like Michelangelo did when painting the Sistine Chapel.

Egyptian: Can you turn something (a toy, a brother or sister!) into a mummy using a roll of toilet paper…..extra points if you can do it without breaking the paper.

Industrialism: Follow the links to find out how to charge a lightbulb using static electricity Balloon and Lightbulb Comb/Scarf/Lightbulb and give it a go.

Invent a new machine- design and make a new machine which will help people- just like Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak!

Curious- Home Science Experiment:

Gather things from around the house (not electronics)

Find out if it floats or sinks?

Make a prediction first and test it.

Can you find something that can float and sink? And, then write why you think this happens.

Parents: Promote scientific thinking- predictions, observations, comparison, reasoning, data gathering, experimentation and evaluation

Here's another website that can extend this experiment and discuss the point of 'density' and 'molecules'. Here is a video that also explains FLOATING

Caring -Family Photos

Visual family tree

Can you write a story about what is happening in a photo.

Have a look at some old family photos. Find out some interesting stories about the people in the photos. You may have to write emails or make a phone call.

Can you make a family tree using photos or drawings- try include you, siblings, parents, grandparent, great grandparents, cousins etc

Can you recreate old photos

Can you create and do a photoshoot with your family like it was back in time or in the future, using filters.

CHALLENGE: Can you recreate a famous art pieces? Could be a photo, made with lego, art, nature...

Capable- Old School Games

Learn an Old School Game

  1. Hopscotch
  2. Hide ‘n’ seek
  3. Elastics
  4. Marbles- the video is in another language but has subtitles
  5. Knucklebones
  6. Memory Game- can use cards or word flashcards

Can you teach this game to someone else?

  • Use chalk outside
  • use the clock


Capable- Time Teller

Draw or write the times like a clock for when you:

  • Wake up
  • Have breakfast
  • Play
  • Zoom
  • Lunch
  • Exercise
  • Clean/Chores around the house
  • Snack
  • Dinner
  • Bed time

Have a go at saying these times and learning the numbers on a clock. Some helpful clips... Part 1 Part 2

Can you design a time machine?

How about making it with recycling items ?

Curious- STEAM Build a Time machine

Use lego or blocks

Can you build one using Minecraft?

What materials will you use?

Who is it for?

Week 3

Map it, Cook it, Plan it, List it, Make it!

Curious- Dinner for your whānau

You have $30-$40 to spend

Write up your menu and make a shopping list

Use the countdown website and find your ingredients

Work out the cost


Word list Challenge

A- Z Word List Challenge

Wednesday:Make a list of things you like doing starting with each letter of the alphabet

Thursday:Make a list of things you can eat starting with each letter of the alphabet

Friday: Make a list of jobs/animals/pokemon/famous people.

How can you present your findings? On a poster, video, a powerpoint, pic collage app

Extra points if you can use some māori words for your actions ,foods or animals! Use Māori dictionary online


Create a new family game


Create a new game you can teach your family or siblings.

It might be bringing a game to life (like the picture above)

A card game (spoons was always my favourite)

A family quiz

Guess Who ? (But using family photos)

Family Talent show


The list is endless....

Caring- Cook or Bake it

Find a recipe or make your own recipe up to try

Cook the recipe or help with cooking your favourite dish

Take a photo of everyone enjoying your delicious kai (food)

Try this fried bread recipe, it's a must when Whaea Hinehau has a hangi or boil up- cut in half like a scone and add golden syrup or maple syrup once it's cooked with butter. (Unless you roll it out flat)

Capable- Map it

Draw a map of your house and hide an item for someone to find.

Design a map as if you were a secret spy and your partner needed to find the treasure.

Think about scale, keys, symbols, grid numbers.

How will your agent find the item?

Will you code it for them by giving instructions?

Can you role play finding the treasure with someone?

How can you make your map look like an old pirates map?


Autumn Leaves

Create a piece of artwork using autumn leaves or sticks

Can you use the colour from the leaves to make a paint or potions?

Create a 'nature journal' and receive a medal from DOC ( you have to submit online)

Week 2

Caring-Write a letter ,do a chore and do some baking

  • Write a letter to someone and let them know you are thinking of them.
  • Do a chore/job which is helpful to the family eg. sweep out the garage, weed the garden, rake leaves. How does it feel to help someone? Think of 3 words to describe this.
  • ANZAC Day activity -Make some Anzac Biscuits for ANZAC day or a Anzac Poppy. Use Pinterest for inspiration.
  • Interview a grandparent over the phone. Write some questions you might like to ask about if they had a lockdown? (Thanks Isla for this idea)


Anzac Violin


Anzac Ted

Curious-How does the heart work?

  • Watch the clips below about the heart

How the Human Heart Works for Kids

Kids Heart Challenge

Heart Song

  • Draw and colour a diagram of the heart and label.
  • Write facts or make a video clip about the things you learnt about the heart? What are you wondering?
  • Can you create a beat pattern for your heart when you're feeling a certain way. eg how would a beat pattern sound if you're angry, happy, hungry, laughing?

Capable-Jump like you can fly

Try do Whaea Hinehau’s Kemu (Game)

Its called ‘Rakau Pekepeke’, I use to play this all the time when I was young.

You will need lots of shoes or sticks.

  • Measure your furthest distance
  • Try to do it 2 feet at time.

Capable & Curious-Fitness and Heart Rate

  • Design a mini workout for your family. Think of all the different ways we move (running, skipping, jumping, hopping, star jumps, walking) and different equipment you might have at home(hoops, chair, chalk, skipping ropes, balls). Be creative and make it fun for the whole family.
  • Before you do your fitness workout, test your heart rate. Write this down as a 'starting pulse'
  • Now go 'hard out' doing your workout and take your heart rate when you have finished. You should be aiming for 120 beats a minute and aim to keep it about that for 10 minutes. How does it feel and what do you notice?
  • Take your pulse when you have finished your cooling down exercises. What do you notice
  • What do you notice about your heart rate at these different times.
  • Remember to share your work with us on Learning@home on Hero.

Caring- 'Gratitude' writing

  • Write a list or gather together all the things you love. This list could include people, places, things,/objects, activities, times of the year and so on.
  • Take a selfie with these things, make a pic collage or create an artwork about the things you love.
  • What is the best part about being at home?
  • Remember to share your writing with us on Learning@home on Hero.

Goal Setting:

  • If you would like to set some goals for this time you could write them down and share with us on Learning@home on Hero.

Look below for my goals...(Whaea Hinehau)

Can you display your goals in a creative way?

Week 1

Caring - Teddy Bear Picnic

  • Write a guest list
  • Design and make the invitations -Who, When, Where, What, Why?
  • Write a list of things you are going to need eg-rug, plates, cups etc. Get creative!
  • Create a teddy bears picnic themed menu
  • Can you cook something from this menu and share with the family
  • Write what activities and games you will play during the picnic
  • Learn the Teddy Bears Picnic song You Tube link
  • Make some teddy bear masks for everyone to wear
  • At your picnic tell a teddy bear story or read a teddy bear story to your ‘guests’
  • Set up the picnic and take a photo.
  • Share with us your writing on Linc Ed (Learning@home)

Curious- Trap 1: The Potato

  • Get a big potato and cut it in half.
  • Scoop out some of the insides with a spoon to make a room.
  • Put the potato together again and make an entry hole to the room inside.
  • Place your potato trap half buried in the soil and leave it for three days.
  • Take a photo of your findings
  • Share with us your writing on Linc Ed (Learning@home)

Curious- Trap 2: The Pitfall

Create a pitfall trap like this one

These traps are so mighty you need to check them every few hours. You could set a few traps in different parts of your backyard but draw a plan of where you placed them so you can remember.

  • All you need is an empty plastic bottle.
  • Put holes in the bottom of the plastic bottle to let water out.
  • Cut off the top of the bottle and turn it upside down inside the bottom of the bottle as the picture shows.
  • Place a stick inside the bottle to let the critters out when you are not using the trap.

Capable- Bug Census

  • What bugs can you find in your garden?
  • Design a recording sheet to show what you find.
  • Research some facts about the bugs you found in your garden.
  • Make a poster about the bugs and the facts you found.

The Insect World: Story/Facts to be read to.

Wellbeing @ Ararira

The model we use is 'Te Whare Tapa Wha'.

Sparklers is backed by both science, NZ research and wellbeing specialists. Most importantly, it's super easy for anyone to pick up and try - that's part of the reason teachers love it.

Sparklers is all about helping kids to:

  • learn to understand and manage their emotions,
  • build their self-esteem,
  • make (and be!) good friends,
  • and long-term, understand all about their wellbeing. Oh, that's another reason teachers love it!

Hi there everyone,

Here are some ideas for home learning during the lockdown. We will add to this blog regularly rather than giving you all the ideas at once- it is a stressful time for everyone.

It is important during this time not to try and replicate the school environment, daily routine or curriculum instruction at home. Your kids are probably feeling anxious and getting used the the idea that they will not see some family, friends or us for some time. In addition to that the stress you may also be feeling during this global health crisis. The best thing you can do is do things with them-play board games, have a dance party, and get them to help with household chores. Look after yourselves and here are some ideas to help everyone get through. Enjoy being a stay at home parent and enjoy having your children with you.

Take care everyone

Deb & Hinehau

  • Studyladder

Set up a free account. There is a huge range of online activities available.


  • Online Stories- Vooks

Get the first month free


  • Writing Starters

An image and supporting questions which will the the conversation and ideas flowing.


  • Daily Reading Online with Sunshine Classics

username-first 3 letters of first name and first 3 letters of last name (eg. hinehau butcher = hinbut)


  • Maths

E-ako Math: an online site where students can work on skills in all areas.

Click 'Student Login' and enter username and password.

username-first 3 letters of first name and first 3 letters of last name (eg. hinehau butcher = hinbut)

password- math

Some Maths ideas in Year groups
