Learning at home


There are many ways to engage in maths at home. Real life experiences such as cooking is an excellent way to engage your child in math. There are some great examples on this page and also on here.

We also use numicon at school. The Numicon learning at home page has some great ideas on there. You can print off the coloured tiles/shapes to use at home from here. 

Extra for experts -  Problem solving: we frequently use this site for open ended problem solving tasks. Some children may not be ready for these tasks or you may need to adapt these for your child. You know your child best. 


Practice writing one lowercase letter and one digit (0-9) per day. 

Follow this link to see the language we use to teach the correct formation of the letters. The programme we use is called 'Casey Caterpillar'. 

If your child is interested in writing their name, please ensure no capitals are in the middle of their name e.g. ClAiRe. 

Play "I spy".

Structured literacy/reading

Read stories to your child every day.

Continue to read daily with or to your child. We want children to have a love of reading and by reading a variety of books to your child daily, will encourage this. 

This website has some great stories to listen to/watch together. Ask your child questions about what happened in the story or  what might happen next. 

Children can revise sentences and sounds in their books. For more information about teaching structured literacy click on the tab above on this blog. 

Tamariki can revise their letters sounds. Work together to brainstorm words that include the different sounds. Use this video to support you: Stages 1 - 4

Capable mathematician

Follow this link for some fun math activities. 

Capable writer

Follow this link to learn to write your letters using the correct shape and size. Remember to hold your pencil correctly! 

Capable reader

Follow this link to learn how to say the NZ sounds/phonemes correctly. Start with stages 1-4 first. 

You may want to slow the clip down to 0.75. 

Curious: Art and Enviro/Sustainability

Your challenge is to use some of your family's recycling to create a new art work. It could be a 3D sculpture, or a 2D work of art. We would love to see some photos of what you come up with!

Capable Writer

Draw a picture of a heart. Inside the heart fill it with pictures of things that make your heart happy. Write about some of the things that make you feel happy. 

Capable Scientist

Watch this clip and have a go at exploring Static Electricity. Some of these experiments are like magic! Can you make the can move without touching it? What happens when you hover the balloon over some little pieces of paper? What kind of static electricity game can you come up with?

Capable mathematician 

Follow this link for a range of different activities to pick and choose from. Share your learning on your 'Learning at Home' page on Hero. 

Capable: literacy/drama

Listen to a nursery rhyme by following this link.  link.

What characters were in the story/rhyme? Can you draw them? Your adult might talk to you about the rhymes and rhythms you can hear in the nursery rhyme.

Can you act out the rhyme? You could draw the characters in the rhymes and cut them out to make finger or stick puppets.

Capable: literacy

RNZ Storytime: Listen and discuss what is happening in the story. What was it about? What might happen next? Was there any rhyme in the story? Can you act out a part of the story or draw /write about your favourite part? 

Make a Blanket Fort

Curious/Creative Learner

Who will you invite to your fort? How many people will be able to fit into it? 

Share your learning on your own "Learning at home page" on Hero. 

Morning karakia

Afternoon karakia